A Seriously Armed Canard

When you hear “pusher canard” I’m sure a certain percentage of you would think “huh?”, the rest of you are plane geeks. This rear propeller (pusher) aircraft with front mounted elevator (canard) from builder Red Spacecat is ready for some serious sky warfare. With enough firepower to orbit Arnold Schwarzenegger, this looks ready for total sky domination.

Afrika Korps

I'm not sure what inspired builder Red2 to build this WWII German Prime Mover, but I'm glad he did. Not that I'm a fan of nazis (they were a bunch of mass-murdering buttheads) but they certainly could invade a country in style huh? This is basically a half-track parade vehicle, for when you want to make a big entrance, but might have to do it over sand.

Afrika Korps - Sd Kfz 7.
Afrika Korps - Sd Kfz 7.

Battle Of Nuenen

There's a level of realism and subtle detail in this MOC by ekjohnson1 that it looks a lot like a film miniature, and that's probably why it resonates so strongly with me. There's no garish colors, no overdone dramatic elements, no awkwardly staged battle, just a realistic layout and convincing details. Subtle things like the slight angles to the trees, power lines and the breakup of large areas with just the right amount of detail contribute to a stellar diorama.

Battle of Nuenen 1944 BFVA 2016

Get to Da Choppa!

Is that quote too cliche to use? Nah, I'll go with it. This sweet UN chopper by Guy Smiley is definitely the Arnold Schwarzenegger of helicopters. It's big, beefy, and could probably pulverize anything smaller than an elephant. The shaping of the fuselage is very nicely done, and the custom stickers really make it feel authentic. This beast also has some great realistic details, like the winch and the dual engines above the cockpit.


The Schirrmeisterei

The Brick Time team continues to add beautiful structures to their fictional town of Dunholmincluding their latest creation, the Schirrmeisterei. I'll admit that I had no idea what a Schirrmeisterei was, I naturally assumed that it was some sort of horse stable, but thanks to the magic of the interwebs I was able to clear up that misconception quickly. Turns out a Schirrmeisterei is a military supply office of sorts. This supply office makes a great use of the one of my favorite LEGO color combinations, dark stone grey, reddish brown, dark brown on a sand yellow base.

Dunholm - Schirrmeisterei

Mayahuel Gunship

This VTOL (vertical takeoff and landing) vehicle by Brixnspace is an amazing blend of Osprey, Apache and badassness. It's got just enough real-world inspiration and aesthetic to give it a believability, and enough creativity to make it captivating. The color combinations, proportions, weaponry and smooth lines all add up to a very formidable aircraft.

Mayahuel Gunship - DA2 - Flying high
Mayahuel Gunship - DA2 - Landed
Mayahuel Gunship - DA2 - Tiltable rotors & opening cockpit


This thing would be right at home in a James Cameron movie. This is the AV-36, it's a expeditionary combat support craft designed for high-intensity, low-gravity environments according to builder AFOL-anon. I have to admit, the first thing I think when I see a ship this badass is "let's get this thing on a pylon and program some motion control", but then again I'm a VFX nerd too.


Type 17 Kai

Dear Mom,

How's dad? Boot camp is going very well. The food is pretty terrible, but I can always talk my friends out of their fruit cup so I'm getting enough to eat. Yesterday started a bit rough, with a ten mile hike, but then we got to drive TANKS! I was a mess at first, but with a little practice I got it down pretty quick. Luckily I was mastering it fast, because just as we were finishing up there was a terrible rumble. Apparently our weapon testing of the 120mm ETC woke up a slumbering monster in the depths of the mountain. We sprang into action and I drove the tank while Wilson and Hacker opened fire. With the help of the other three Type 17's we drove the monster back. Eventually he retreated back to the sea, but I suspect we'll see him again before long. Not to worry though, we're well armed. 

Love you,


PS. can you please send some more of those Pocari Sweat packets? They're yummy

Type 17 Kai Sunday Stroll
Type 17 Kai (1)


So what do you do when you discover your battlefield trucks are sinking in mud and getting stuck? Simple, you add tank tracks to the back. This MOC by BeLgIuM ww2 bUiLdeR is an Opal truck with Maultier (mule) conversion. When I was a kid, we loved playing with little green army men. I can remember many protracted arguments over who got the half-track. There was just something so cool about a truck combined with a tank.

A Trio Of Tanks

I think I know why I don't post military MOCs very often. I know that accuracy is a huge factor with the military crowd, and not being very knowledgeable with the hardware, I have no idea what's good and what needs work. So I think I'm just going to say these tanks by ✠Andreas look really cool, and as far as I know, they're totally accurate. What I do know is they're built really well.

Three makes a Group

Silver Bolt

Presentation is key when it comes to getting your MOC noticed. I've seen amazing MOCs with terrible photographs fall to the wayside. I've also seen somewhat humdrum MOCs with spectacular photography or photo editing get universally praised. This MOC by lisqr however, is the total package. Excellent build, stunning display and clean photography. The vehicle is really cool, but I have to say, it's the base that caught my eye, awesome.

Silver Bolt