Mayahuel Gunship

This VTOL (vertical takeoff and landing) vehicle by Brixnspace is an amazing blend of Osprey, Apache and badassness. It's got just enough real-world inspiration and aesthetic to give it a believability, and enough creativity to make it captivating. The color combinations, proportions, weaponry and smooth lines all add up to a very formidable aircraft.

Mayahuel Gunship - DA2 - Flying high
Mayahuel Gunship - DA2 - Landed
Mayahuel Gunship - DA2 - Tiltable rotors & opening cockpit

Sweet, Sweet Air Superiority

This cool MOC caught my eye. There's no real description but it's clearly a VTOL support ship. Wonderful angles on this, giving it a utilitarian yet sleek aesthetic. I dig the big flat surfaces broken up by just the right amount of detail. The ground vehicles are pretty cool too. Nice photograph too, the background really works well. Nice work Anto-Nio.