The DNA of Dino Dudes 2: A Sequel Interview with Guy Himber

The DNA of Dino Dudes 2: A Sequel Interview with Guy Himber

Dino Dudes are back and ready for their encore! We speak with Guy Himber from Crazy Bricks about revisiting the theme, what they learned from their first campaign, and why these dinos were chosen for the second batch. Plus BrickNerd readers will get a special perk for supporting the Kickstarter for today only!

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Diving Deep with Dino Dudes: An Interview with Guy Himber

Diving Deep with Dino Dudes: An Interview with Guy Himber

The LEGO community encompasses many people from designers in Billund to builders far and wide and thousands of enthusiasts in between. At LEGO fan conventions, you get a good cross-section of where all these people come together with builders, photographers, resellers, printers, and engravers sharing their passion projects. One of the frequent faces at these events is Guy Himber of Crazy Bricks who I got nerdy with chatting about his recent project of prehistoric proportions, Dino Dudes.

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Jurassic Plastic

Those makers of injected molded magnificence Crazy Bricks are back with another marvelous lineup. This one is 65 million years in the making, Dino Dudes! Yes, fans of LEGO and dinosaurs rejoice, these spiffy dudes are ready for some prehistoric mayhem. Like previously successful offerings such as Mouse Guard and Munchkin, these are currently on Kickstarter. You can select from multiple tiers (with stretch goals already being unlocked) and the figures are spectacular, including custom molded parts and full custom printing. Head on over and support this NOW!


We all know you have to eat your veggies if you want to grow up big and strong, it’s just too bad there’s nothing in that old saying about proper arm length or a natural immunity to large meteors. But please don’t mention that to this dino by Greeble_Scum, he seems to really be enjoying his greens. Besides, just because he doesn’t eat meat doesn’t mean he won’t bite it.

T-nex Goes Chomp Chomp!

Built for a Rebrick contest, Anthony Wilson has found a way to make Nexo Knights cool (which I didn't think was entirely possible until now). Just look at this's absolute menacing, fun, and creative all at the same time. (Didn't think that was possible either.) I really like the design of this robotic dinosaur, with a very sleek and efficient concept throughout its design. Even the display base is worth mentioning, which is truly the finishing touch that this model needed. Excellent work! I hope to see more Nexo Knight builds like this in the future. 

Tyrannosaurus Nex

Nathaniel Stoner

     My name is Nathaniel Stoner, and I am an very active LEGO builder.  I mostly build in the themes of castle and science-fiction, but I also dabble in other genres and create occasional random MOC's (My Own Creations). 

     When I was younger, I would get and build small LEGO sets for my birthday, but I was never really into them.  When they fell apart, I would become frustrated attempting to put them back together and would throw them in a box in my closet.  I couldn't stand them!

     Then, miraculously, I became addicted to the LEGO brick later in my teen years.  Ever since, I have continued to build up (pun intended) my collection of bricks and to expand my knowledge of techniques and building skills.  LEGO is truly more than a toy, its an art form and a way to express yourself.

     For the most part, I collect LEGO Star Wars (mainly the minifigs), which is probably my favorite LEGO theme.  I have a fairly decent collection, including some of the original 1999 sets, such as the Snowspeeder, X-Wing, and Naboo starfighter.  I also collected LEGO the Lord of the Rings when those sets first came out.  The minifigs are great, and the story remains one of my favorites ever. 

     My hope is to inspire other young (and perhaps even older) LEGO builders to unleash their inner creativity!  You can find me on my Flikr here

Why Do They Keep Building These Parks?

As summer approaches we can all get set for another dino-blockbuster, Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom. Builder ZiO Chao is getting in the mood with this fabulous collection of dinos. On this sign there's no fewer than ten including the classic tyrannosaurus, velociraptor and triceratops. How many of the others can you name? Click through for the full list and closeups of each dino.



I was fortunate enough to see these gorgeous Dinotopia dinos by Shawn Snyder in person at BrickCon last year. I've never read any of the books but I have always enjoyed the artwork from the series, and these sculptures capture their essence perfectly. I might add that using a brachiosaur for fire fighting is inspired lunacy, what a wonder world that would be.


Dinosaur Mecha

Let's face it, dinosaurs are cool and fascinating, but also big and terrifying. I don't think we'd be at the top of the food chain had they not been wiped out. But we can sorta bring them back, in mechanical form, and they'd be just as big and scary. Like this brilliant robotic beast by nobu_tary, all pistons and servos, all stompy and bitey. Just hopefully completely under control, or it's back to hiding in holes for us.

Dinosaur Mecha

New Extinction Theory

Dateline October 5th 2017

Dr. Henry Bonedigger of the New Mexico Paleontology Society has proposed a controversial extinction theory of the late jurassic, early cretaceous period. While the leading theory is catastrophic climate change brought on by a cosmic event, a meteor or comet impact most likely, lead to the mass extinction of all the larger dinosaurs. Dr. Bonedigger theorizes the even was in fact brought on by this individual, Ty Rano, and his exceptionally large walking gun. Dr. Skip Tick of the Montana group rebukes "this is insane, to propose that a single individual could do so much damage. There were no gas stations to power that thing". Many scientists have come forward to challenge Dr. Bonedigger's theory but he remains adamant. "While I agree it was a monumental effort, I'm certain Ty and his machine did this." Dr. Bonedigger's theory will be published in the next issue of Paleoworld. He is currently on a north American speaking tour.

Technosaurus Wrecks


I don't know what's more frightening, a distant past where tyrannosaurus rex roamed the world, or a distant future where robo-tyrannosaurus rex, like this totally sweet MOC from ToyForce 120, roam the world. At least in the future we can all looks on with sincere admiration and awe as this thing bears down on us. Truly impressed with it's stunning mechanical design and intimidating aesthetics, I mean before it chomps down on you of course. 


Dino Bones

When Threepio was lost on the dune sea of Tatooine he encountered one of these, the skeleton a Krayt Dragon. The Krayt is an indigenous species of Tatooine, feared for their large size and fierce temper. They feed mostly on bantha, whose slow speed and poor eyesight make them easy prey for the...what's that?...tyrana-wha? Oh....


Nice build -derjoe-

Tyrannosaurus Rex, T-Rex


We've all had one, you might still have one, the classic dinosaur grabber. They're handy for grabbing things just out of reach, terrorizing family cats, menacing fish (just watch E.T.) and with the addition of a fun costume, entertaining puppet shows. This one by Takamichi Irie doesn't function like a real one, but then again the real one isn't made of LEGO now is it?

T-Rex Pincher

Welcome, To Jurassic Park

Jurassic Park represents a life pivot for me. When it came out I was still making rubber monsters, but the digital dinos in this film convinced me that CGI had finally come into it's own, and I switched to digital fx. This MOC by Siercon and Coral is as stirring and impressive as the scene in the movie. Admit it, you hear John William's score in your head right now don't you?

Jurassic Park

Major Tom Rex

Imagine if you will, some sixty million years ago, that a comet or asteroid did not wipe out the dinosaurs. Where would they be now in their evolution? Not the ones that turned into birds, they're useless, I mean some properly big, pointy toothed beasts. Would they have conquered space yet? Builder Adam Dodge has visualized this for us, and I think it would have been pretty impressive. The bigger question is would they have used a puny human to test their equipment in the early days?

Major Tom Rex
Major Tom Rex
Major Tom Rex

Dino Riding And Battle Ready

So you say you've got some swords? Oh, and those are some nice sturdy shields. You've even got some smaller weapons for close quarters and some ranged weapons, very diverse. Yes, you seem fairly ready for battle. Why you've even got some banners and colorful uniforms, quite spiffy. your army riding FRIGGIN DINOSAURS? Yeah, I didn't think so.

Clans of the Highlands
Clans of the Highlands