Breaking the Mold: Crazy Legs Kickstarts into High Gear

Breaking the Mold: Crazy Legs Kickstarts into High Gear

The LEGO community has always pushed the limits of the LEGO minifigure when it comes to dynamic poses. But Guy Himber from Crazy Bricks has always looked to “break the mold” and grant new flexibility to customizers and LEGO fans alike. We chatted with Guy at length about his newest Kickstarter project “Crazy Legs” and how they might impact the fan community.

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Jurassic Plastic

Those makers of injected molded magnificence Crazy Bricks are back with another marvelous lineup. This one is 65 million years in the making, Dino Dudes! Yes, fans of LEGO and dinosaurs rejoice, these spiffy dudes are ready for some prehistoric mayhem. Like previously successful offerings such as Mouse Guard and Munchkin, these are currently on Kickstarter. You can select from multiple tiers (with stretch goals already being unlocked) and the figures are spectacular, including custom molded parts and full custom printing. Head on over and support this NOW!

Munchkin Bricks 2 Is Now On Kickstarter!

Those purveyors of the preposterous Crazy Bricks are back with another Munchkin themed Kickstarter, and it starts TODAY! Fans of of the game Munchkin might recognize some of the wacky artifacts in the image below, but to be specific the new lineup includes: the Helm of Super Speed, Spyke's Hammer, a Hammer Handle, a Foam Rubber Hand, Gear Beer, Shakespeare's Pike, Dragon Flagon, Hello Chibithulhu and E.L.T.H. the Excessively Large Top Hat. Not only do you get these custom injection molded parts in a selection of colors, you also some free gifts and there’s loads of stretch goals to unlock. Head over and support this campaign and get your hands on this spiffy stuff!

Pizza & Pugs

Well, this is a surefire hit. I mean, who doesn't love pizza, and who doesn't love pugs? Add them to LEGO and you've got something that appeals to pretty much everyone. There's also a peanut dude, and my personal favorite Mr. Toast. Crazy Bricks is back with another Kickstarter campaign, and needs your help. Upstanding human (and man who knows how to work a top hat) Guy Himber has a loads of cool stretch goals too, so get over there and show your support!


Jason at JK Brickworks is back with another nifty MOC that has your best interests at heart. This one isn't kinetic, but sci-fi and Kubrick fans will recognize HAL from 2001: A Space Odyssey. HAL is brought to life by the Pfx Brick, featuring light and sound. They're in the final push on their Kickstarter and need your help. You can also find instructions to build your own HAL here.

HAL 0937

Mascot Bricks!

AFOL and all around swell Guy (see what I did there?) Guy Himber and Crazy Bricks are back on Kickstarter with another fantastic round of custom LEGO minifigure accessories. This time it's mascots, and as you can see from the picture they're pretty awesome. The campaign kicked off yesterday so there's still plenty of time to get in on the ground floor of this and score some extremely nifty accessories.

Beyond The Brick Kickstarter

It was great to see our pals at Beyond the Brick at BrickCon. They even took time out of their busy schedule covering the event to serve as judges for the Bricks of Character display. Nobody covers an event in such detail as these guys, and now they want to reach beyond our borders for coverage in the UK and you can help. Check out their Kickstarter campaign and help them get to Brick Birmingham. They've got some very cool rewards, including some brick sketches by Chris McVeigh and a custom MOC by Tyler Clites. 

New LEGO Storage and Display Products

A company called Brick Innovations in cooperation with Phillip Miller Furniture has just launched a Kickstarter Campaign featuring several LEGO storage and display products. Every LEGO builder struggles with how to organize their collection, and the more options we all have the better as far as I'm concerned. Among the items they're promoting is a rather clever selection of tables, cabinets and building furniture, as well as some cool drawer pulls and a shelf to display Minifigures. They were kind enough to send a prototype Minifigure Shelf for me to check out. 

The shelf they sent holds more or less 8 figures, but it's smaller than the 18" version they have as a reward level on their campaign (which by the way its already funded just two days in, congrats guys!) and is made of a somewhat lightweight wood, I'm assuming pine. Embedded in the top is a strip of 1x genuine LEGO plate to attach your figs to.

Now I would be remiss if I didn't point out the obvious similarities to the Chroble shelves that have hung in my studio for quite some time now. The Chroble shelves are solid walnut, larger, heavier and have a strip of full sized 1x bricks on top. They are top quality in every respect, but that quality comes at a price, making them quite a bit more expensive than the Brick Innovations shelves. I don't know that I can fully comment on the quality of the Brick Innovations shelves either, since this is a prototype I have to assume the production ones will be better. But the one I have could have used more sanding, clean up and another coat of paint. 

So if you're interested in more storage and display options for your collection check out their campaign and throw some support their way.

Get Beyond The Brick To BrickCon

BrickCon is one of, if not the best LEGO conventions on the planet. I've only been to a few different cons, but out of those it is by far my favorite and I look forward to going every year (fingers crossed I'll get there this year). Our pals over at Beyond the Brick would like to make it to this year's con and have launched a Kickstarter campaign to get there and make an exclusive video of the event. They've got some cool rewards and some nifty stretch goals. Head over and help them out.

Crazy Arms

Mad genius and friend of the blog Guy Himber and Crazy bricks is back with another awesome Kickstarter. This time it's Crazy Arms. How many times have you just wanted your minifigure to reach straight out? How about hold something in front of them? Well now it's possible with these excellent little add-on parts. Check out the video, watch in amazement, then support!

Bricks In Motion

Are you a fan of brick films? Well, here's some great news, there's a Kickstarter Project from director Phillip Heinrich and producers Doug Vandegrift, Nathan Wells and Zach Macias called Bricks In Motion. With our help these filmmakers can create a full length documentary about the fascinating world of LEGO animation. It's only be a few days and they're already over half way there. Show them some support!

Director Phillip Heinrich

Director Phillip Heinrich

SmartBrick- Bringing Bluetooth Control To Power Functions

Power Functions are awesome. There's just something magical that happens when you can bring a MOC to life with lights and motion. Well now there's something to take that magic to the next level, like exponentially to the next level. Some very smart people in the UK (Mark Bollobas and his team) have come up with a way to control PF over bluetooth with smartphones. And it's not just a bluetooth version of the standard IR block, this thing is supercharged with features. You can, among other things...

  • Control from 100 Meters away
  • Use it in direct sunlight (try doing that with the IR one)
  • Control 64 ports (!)
  • Tweak away with programmable firmware
  • Use custom profiles
  • Control MOCs over the internet
  • Interact with other users with social functions 

There are so many cool things you can do with this awesome bit of hardware, I can't imagine what users will do with it once it's in the wild. But for now they need your help to get to mass production so head over to their Kickstarter project and throw some love their direction!