
When I was a kid, I always thought it would be cool to have a pet monkey, you know, to fetch stuff I couldn't reach, throw excrement at people I didn't like, and such.  But now that I'm older, I've started thinking that a general purpose robot would be MUCH handier.  And less messy.  My old buddy Simon, aka Si-MOCS has built this nifty dude, Claptrap, from a video game called Borderlands 2.  You'll notice the high intensity greebling under the arm, and the well textured wheel.  But the use of the PAB cup as the eye cover is, at least as far back as I can remember, unique.  Darned clever!

Claptrap - CL4P-TP general purpose robot

Sun-Runner Y7

David Steeves has come up with this intimidating pirate escort fighter/interceptor.  Gotta love the flag, just so there's absolutely no question about who you're dealing with.  A classic pirate ship's mast as a mega blaster is a clever detail, too.  Seeing that there's only the one gun, I assume the ship can be configured depending on which side the pilot's eye patch is on...

Sun-Runner Y7

High and Mighty

That's what Genghis Don calls his new GARC racer.  For those of you who are unfamiliar with this theme, GARC stands for Galactic Asteroid Rally Circuit.  Now, it's common knowledge that the possibility of successfully navigating an asteroid field is approximately three thousand seven hundred and twenty to one.  Yeah, yeah, never tell you the odds... But this thing looks pretty fast, so my money's on these guys!

"High & Mighty"