USS Jefferies

“To Boldly Go Where No One Has Gone Before!” (Except nebulae, because they really mess with the equipment). With four, yes, four, warp nacelles, Ben Smith’s USS Jefferies can navigate the nastiest nebula. Since transporters can be a bit dicey in there, too, he’s got the Mary-Ann landing ship which slips snugly onto the dorsal hull just above the shuttle bay. Well, Ben, that’s some serious three-dimensional thinking!

TIE Interrogator

Behold the TIE Interrogator, a sleek TIE fighter by NS Brick Designs made to strike fear in the eyes of rebels while providing ears on their transmissions. As majestic as an eagle and as silent as a wasp, this recon fighter is fit for a spy or anyone wishing to see what others don’t while remaining undetected. I could personally see this used by the Inquisitorius from Star Wars Rebels or even Vader himself. Although unlikely, that sure would be cool.

NASA's Evil Twin

I’ve got to admit, I’m a sucker for NASA’s rockets and I can spend hour gawking at the marvels of human engineering. But NASA ain’t got nothin’ on this ship by halfbeak! With a ton of black, a handful of green, a dash of realism and a pinch of antimatter, what’s not to like? Not to mention a hint of nefarious criminal activity by NASA’s evil twin, NAST (pronounced nasty). Put simply, if NASA were Futuron, NAST would be the Blacktron of space exploration.

Xylethrus AMV-1


"Aura to mission control:  This is Captain ZCerberus.  Orders received, and coordinates plotted and laid in.  Time to roll the hard six..." 

"Good hunting, Captain. Control out." 

Or something to that effect.  That's what I figure builder ZCerberus might say aloud when getting ready to swoosh this baby around his living room.  And a few blaster noises, naturally.  Anyway, zoom in to see all of the details; from color blocking to greebles.  Lots to enjoy!


Aegnor ZP41352

It might have an awkward name, but it's a graceful craft. This is the Aegnor ZP41352 by builder Faber Mandragora. According to the builder it's a spaceship of the colonial marines used to patrol the stratosphere, but also for quick raids. But despite it's military origins, it's a beautiful and elegant ship. Some excellent photography and editing here, a very striking image.

Aegnor ZP41352


Bob DeQuatre has been waiting to build this for quite a while now.  Exactly three years, in fact.  Designed on LDD, he's finally gotten around to building this ship in real bricks.  And it's certainly been worth the wait!  Gotta love the curves and the color scheme, complete with the massive blasters on each side.  And a couple of Classic Space logos thrown in for good measure.  Awesome!




For those who don't already know, that's Klingon for "Success!"  And that's what my pal Kevin J. Walter must have exclaimed when he finally finished this awesome Bird of Prey.  It's his all-time favorite spaceship, and the project took him six years to complete.  The goal was to have it finished by the end of the year for the Star Trek 50th Anniversary.  Just in the nick of time, Kevin, you old Targ! 

Klingon Bird of Prey

Quad Jumper Picnic

Here is something a little different that I missed back in July (does this count as MOCstalgia?) I am not and never will be a fan of the Friends Mini Dolls. They just doing sit well with me. However in this MOC from Tyler Sky they seem perfectly at home. I love bold colours on space ships and cool design features. And just look at the backdrop. I wish I could hop into that Jumper and blast off somewhere for food on a blanket!

Quad Jumper Picnic

Cole Blaqtron

Neo-Classic Space is arguably the oldest theme in which AFOLs have been building for all these years, and in just one build Cole Blaq has both mastered it and wildly subverted it. "High Jack" is one of the most unique NCS models I've seen in a while in terms of shape, with some clever part uses thrown in for good measure.

NCBS High Jack

It Is Your Destiny

I've only played Destiny a few times (bad nerd, I know), so I didn't recognize this build by Jayfourke. I do, however, know an awesome spaceship when I see one, and this definitely qualifies. The shaping is very unique and very cool: I particularly like the big scoops and missile pods on the sides. Also, I'm really digging the orange color scheme. It's quite a nice color which doesn't get used often enough, in my opinion.

Atalanta's Hunt

Heading HomeWorld

In space, no one can hear you...complain about needing symmetry and aerodynamics. Because a spaceship doesn't really need either of those things. Symmetry is usually just for aesthetic purposes, and there isn't any air in space. This HomeWorld-inspired ship by ska2d2 is a big, asymmetrical, chunky slab, and it's awesome. It's a really unique design, which is made even better by some great color blocking and a beautiful edit.

Where's my HomeWorld?


Chunky. Yes, Chunky is the best word to describe this spaceship by builder Rancorbait. Chunky has been a trend lately it seems in spaceship design within the FOL community. And who can blame them? These types of chunky creations offer up some very cool angles with NPU all over the place. Also, in a practical sense, the extra girth offers benefits to the ship in the dangers of space. Like keeping it protected when accidentally running into asteroids, abandoned satellites, other ships, meteor showers, etc. Holy cow is space is dangerous place or what?! Or at least that is what they teach us in the movies right? I looking at you, Gravity!


Neo FX Star Patroller

I never get tired of Neo Classic Space, especially kick-arse ships like this one by Alec Hole.  It's got tons of pointy antenna bits all over the place, plus multi-tiered SNOT wings.  Very cool.  I like how's Alec integrated the engines into the aft section in contrast to the mongo nacelles in the middle.  Why not, right?  Just wish there were more pictures!  Hint hint...

Neo FX Star Patroller

Sun-Runner Y7

David Steeves has come up with this intimidating pirate escort fighter/interceptor.  Gotta love the flag, just so there's absolutely no question about who you're dealing with.  A classic pirate ship's mast as a mega blaster is a clever detail, too.  Seeing that there's only the one gun, I assume the ship can be configured depending on which side the pilot's eye patch is on...

Sun-Runner Y7

Alternate! Alternate! ALTERNATE!

Check out this alt-build for Benny's Spaceship: Asimov I Starship, by Piotr Turecki.  The ship has some nifty design features such as a detachable bow module.  Plus everybody fits inside (Kitty's in the cargo bay).  But what really jumps out is the photo editing-Stunning!  I'll have to imagine an effect like that the next time I swoosh one of MY ships around the living room.  Awesome!

Asimov I Starship

X200 Cephalon

This is a strange, but curiously attractive ship by builder .Tromas. At first I couldn't figure out what I was looking at, besides a nicely lit and shot MOC. But as I looked more closely the forms and angles became more clear. I can actually see this as an advantage in space combat, as your enemy has a little trouble determining your attitude and direction of travel. It's also got some light effects and a cool rear-access cockpit module. Check out the video.

X200 Cephalon
X200 Cephalon