
Since Pokemon hasn’t been a feature of daily life in this house for many years it doesn’t take much to surprise me (I’m also blissfully ignorant of the world in general, so that’s not really saying much) So when a Pokemon that I’m not familiar with pops up, I just roll with it. I don’t know anything about Incineroar, wonderfully depicted here by builder reticence, but he looks like he can put up a good fight, and that’s all we ask of our incarcerated pocket monsters isn’t it?


One of the concepts of Pokemon is they are "pets" that you collect and care for (and then force to fight each other, go figure). But in my opinion there's actually only a handful that I think I'd enjoy having around. Pets give us companionship and unconditional love, at least that's the point I think. I wouldn't mind having a Pikachu around, they're pretty cool. And my personal favorite is Cubone, I have no idea why. And Eevee, brilliantly built by reticence here, seems like a pleasure to have around. But can you imagine a Mr. Mime hopping on the bed with you to watch TV? I'd be creeped out the whole time. And Magicarp is useless, your argument is invalid.

Pokemon: eevee

Inside The Pokeball

I still remember the time my oldest explained Pokemon to me so many years ago. We had the cards, the games, we watched the cartoons, it was big at our house. There was a poster on his wall, and he very patiently showed me the best ones and explained the concept of enslaving small woodland creatures, storing them in small spheres and forcing them to fight for his pleasure. I think the whole thing wouldn't have sounded quite so inhumane if I had known what was inside the Pokeballs. If it's like the concept by Grant Davis here, they seem well appointed and Pikachu seems pretty content.

Inside a Poké Ball

Gotta Catch 'Em All

I've been spending a lot more time on Twitch lately, not so much under the BrickNerd persona, but as our sister site (and my latest harebrained scheme) Nerds&Makers. But of course I still love the bricks, so I've spent quite a bit of time hanging out in the brick builder's channels, including BrickinNick. So I had the opportunity to actually watch this MOC come into being over the course of a few days. It's been interesting to watch other builders, makes me want to build more. Then I remember I have a whole new website and community to build (what have I done?)

Ash & Pikachu

Choose Your Color

Any kid that owned a Gameboy in the late 90's (so let's face it, most) recognizes these guys, it's the trainers from Pokemon Red and Blue, the ubiquitous monster catching role-playing game. It gives me great pleasure to present these as they come from a builder you might have heard of, Mr Kevin Hinkle himself. It's good to see you dabbling with the bricks Kevin.

Pokémon - Trainer Red
Pokémon - Trainer Blue


I remember quite some time ago with Pokemon was a fairly new thing (there were only 150 I think) my son had a poster on his wall. We were discussing the pros and cons of certain ones and I remember him saying "That's snorlax, he sleeps a lot." I asked if that was his special ability and he just shrugged and said "yeah, I guess so". He also has the ability to inspire awesome builders like lisqr to sculpt him in bricks.



In his ongoing quest to "Build 'Em All", builder lisqr is back with another Pokemon. This time it's Seel, a water Pokemon that evolves into Dewgong at level 34, becoming 22% less cute in my opinion. The most unfortunate thing about this Pokemon is it thrives in conditions that will kill most trainers, so you'll need a big coat to see it in it's element, but your drinks will not need ice.


Pikachu! I Choose....Oh Crap!

Yup let's face it, everyone's favorite pocket monsters are, for the most part, small animals. And small animals tend to end up small, flat animals when they get near roads. I laughed out loud when I saw this latest Iron Builder MOC by CeciΙie, does that make me a bad person? (Rhetorical question, I'm a bad person)


151 PokéMOCs

In light of the immense resurgence of Pokémon this past summer, Carson Hart set himself a goal to build all 151 of the original Pokémon, and he's done quite a good job of it. You might have to squint on some of the smaller models, but a lot of them came out looking really spot-on, like his great Charizard, Lapras, and so on.

Hunting Equipment

If you're going to "catch 'em all" you're going to need some essential equipment. First, some comfortable shoes, because there's a lot of walking involved. Second, you need an outfit that says to the world "I wanna be the very best, like no one ever was". And third you're going to need a Pokedex and some Pokeballs, like this awesome brick-built set by Moko, because you need to keep track and get info, and despite their name, Pokemon don't fit in your pockets without a little help.


"There's A Pikachu Over There!"

Show of hands, who's been playing Pokemon GO? The game's been available nearly three weeks now and it's already cliché to ask that. I've been playing the game like mad lately and nothing's beaten the excitement when a Pikachu showed up nearby - a moment perfectly captured in this giant iPhone model built by Chris Madisson. For me the most impressive part is how cleanly he achieves the look of the Pokéball - round shapes aren't always easy in LEGO but all it took was a tire and some quick thinking to perfect one.

Pokemon Go

Gotta Build Them All!

Once upon a time Pokemon was huge at my house. Both of my boys went through phases where all that was talked about was how to be a good trainer and how to catch them all. Now builder Takamichi Irie has started a series of fantastic MOCs bringing these pocket monsters to life. The addition of the collector card for each Pokemon is a brilliant touch. Maybe he'll eventually get to my personal favorite, Cubone. Photos by willgalb.

The Great Devourer

Pokemon was big at my house once upon a time. I never really got into it, but both of my boys sure did. I did think Cubone was pretty cool looking, and I always hated Mr. Mime, he just looked stupid. I can't say I recall this particular Pokemon by Legohaulic, but I know there's been many more added since we were attempting to "catch em all". Then again, this isn't from Pokemon, so that explains a lot. What do you mean there's no Pokemon in Ninjago?

The Great Devourer