Stormtrooper E-11 Blaster

I've always been a fan of Stormtroopers, they're white armor, their expert aim, their ability to navigate doorways with ease (ok, I kid, but I am a fan). I've also been a fan of their blasters too, in fact I was just looking at photos last night for an upcoming prop project. So I was quite surprised and delighted to find this awesome LEGO blaster by Daryl Ng in my feed this morning. It's even got a spiffy UCS style display stand, neat!

StormTrooper E-11  Blaster Rifle

Captain Phasma

Now that Nerdvember is behind us, and Christmas isn't quite here, we can get to the serious business...namely counting down to The Last Jedi. Powerpig is here to get us in the mood with another excellent Brick Sketch, this time it's everyone's favorite polished Stormtrooper, Captain Phasma. She's shiny.

Captain Phasma

Wearable Empire

If Star Wars taught me one thing, it's that helmets are popular in space. And what good is a helmet that you can't wear? Well, Lego Admiral seems to think the same thing, and has crafted these excellent Vader and Stormtrooper helmets in bricks, and you can actually wear them. I don't know how much protection they would offer, then again Stormtroopers can be taken out by a teddy bear with a rock, so the real ones don't offer much either.

Wearable Lego Darth Vader Helmet
Wearable Lego Stormtrooper Helmet

Imperial Pew Pew

One of George Lucas' strokes of genius on the first Star Wars was to use real weapons and blanks as the basis of the blasters. The recoil and power were evident as the actors shot, and with the addition of Ben Burt's sound design and ILM's optical, it was a convincing illusion. The E-11 Stormtrooper Blaster was based on a Sterling sub machine gun, and this version by Nick Brick is the best brick-built version I've ever seen, and the quality we've come to expect from Nick. It even has a foldable stock, which while never used in Star Wars, is still a testament to the accuracy of this build.

Star Wars E-11 Blaster Rifle
Star Wars E-11 Blaster Rifle

First Order Stormtrooper

When I saw the teaser trailer for Star Wars The Force Awakens and there was that glimpse of the new stormtroopers I had a surge of childhood course through my veins. It's a thrill that's indescribable, yet here I sit trying to come up with the words. I had a little taste of it this morning too, when I saw this delightful MOC by umamen. Suddenly I'm nine years old, and I want to save the galaxy. I want to jump around with a flashlight and make swooshing noises. I want to climb aboard a starship and jump to light speed. I want some Star Wars.

LEGO: Stormtrooper of episode 7 (8inch)

First Order Stormtrooper

Yup, another Star Wars post. I should probably defend myself but I'm not gonna. The new Stormtroopers from The Force Awakens are super badass, and this Brick Sketch from Powerpig is also badass. So, one of my new favorite character designs from my favorite movie franchise built from my favorite toy and art medium by one of my favorite builders, how was I not going to blog it?

The First Order

Star Wars "Midifigs"

This is a project I've been watching for a while, Miro78's "Midifigs". It's a cool new scale for upsizing your favorite minifigs. I really like the scale of these, they're big enough to get some fun detail in, but small enough to not take up too much space. Just about perfect for displaying on a bookshelf or desktop. I'm sure it's a challenge to get the forms and details needed, but that's also part of the fun. 

Midifig Cast of Characters
Luke (Rebel Pilot suit) midifig
Hoth Leia midifig
Chewbacca Midifigure
Han Solo midifig


Dear "Mom"

It's my second day aboard the new space station, I wish I could tell you it's name and where it is, but it's still a secret. My quarters and roommates are good, just like you said they would be. The food is just ok, but I understand there's a better commissary on a deck much further down (you wouldn't believe how big this place is). This morning we captured a freighter and my first official duty is to guard it, I have to be there in 20 minutes. I think it's a pretty cool ship, but my roommate says it looks like a pork burger. Regardless, I need to get to my post. Just thought I'd send a quick note. Having fun in space!



Storm trooper

Chillin' After A Long Day On Tattooine

The life of a stormtrooper must be difficult. Can you imagine patrolling all day in that armor with those twin suns beating down on you? This must be a welcome part of the evening, just sitting down with a cool drink and contemplating if maybe those were the droids you were looking for. MacLane is back with another genius addition to his couch potato series.

Sandtrooper Couch