
One of the things that got people so hyped for The Force Awakens was the promised return to a more practical approach to filmmaking, real sets, real costumes, real creatures. This guy was one of the first alien life forms we saw in a video shared by JJ during production, and we all went nuts. Now Takamichi Irie has built him in brick, and we can all go nuts again.


Meeting BB-8

The Force Awakens sets are finally out (ours are on order from Billund, we had to wait just like everyone else) and I'm super excited to get to build a piece of the next chapter in the saga. But I'm also looking forward to seeing what creative builders do with the new parts and minifigs. Like this excellent little vignette of Rey meeting BB-8 by Legomichiiiiii.

Rey meets BB-8 in Jakku

The First Jaw Dropping Moment Of The Episode VII Trailer

I don't think I'll ever forget the first time I saw this moment of the trailer, recreated brilliantly by KevFett2011 here in bricks. I was at Star Wars Celebration, sitting on the floor in front of the LEGO booth (we couldn't get into any of the places the panel was being simulcast, but luckily LEGO streamed it to their jumbotron) and there was a sudden hush as the trailer started. The first shot fades up and there's a soft "oooh" from the crowd. But as the camera panned over and it became apparent that wasn't a mountain in the background. There was a palatable rush of energy in the room, a collective intake of breath and a million goosebumps erupted simultaneously around me. One shot and we were hooked.

Episode VII-The Force Awakens-Apoca Star Destroyer on Jakku

Even AT-ATs Can Be Repurposed

So your tyrannical government has been overthrown and weapons of war litter the landscape, what's a desert nomad to do? Well if you're resourceful you make good use of all that scrap and existing structure and make yourself right at home! Builder markus19840420 has imagined what this would be like and built this stunning diorama. In other news I'm so freakin' excited for EP7 I can barely contain myself.