Pay Attention Class...

Of course LEGO astronauts go to space academy, they have to learn the ways of space somewhere. And of course there's lecture halls at the academy, they're perfect for group learning. So why we've never seen a space academy lecture room before now seems baffling. Thankfully builder justin_m_winn came along to fix this oversight. Three cheers for higher education!

Space Academy - Lecture Room L15a

Back To School

Here at BrickNerd we like to look back from time to time, even at the end of summer. This MOCstalgia is inspired by Mrs BrickNerd, with the suggestion of "back to school". It's funny how at the end of the school year both parents and students are really ready for summer. I think we're just ready to not struggle to wake kids, make lunches and deal with homework (and kids just don't want to be at school). But as welcome as that first day of summer is, it's not terribly long until glances at the calendar get far more frequent with groans of "I'm bored" and parent's patience with endless video game play wears thin. So to celebrate the return to school I present to you this classic by Polywen, Pack up kids, and get out of the damn house.

September Minibuild Contest Entry