Land Beast

I never really got into D&D as a teen, we played Aftermath, a post apocalyptic role playing game. I remember one particular campaign I ran that had our heroes in one of these (then a brand new vehicle) a Suzuki Samurai. Ours was heavily modified to survive the harshness of a Road Warrior type life. This one, skillfully recreated by builder Lino M was built for climbing, serious climbing, like the highest climbing ever done. Can you believe a Suzuki Samurai climbed the highest peak ever conquered by a four wheeled vehicle? This one did.

Record Breaking Suzuki Samurai
Record Breaking Suzuki Samurai


Venerable car builder and auto enthusiast Lino Martins has broken new ground with this masterful MOC. It's a unique and mind-blowing mashup of car, train, steampunk and black magic (and they said it couldn't be done). I think both Grampa Munster or James T. West's arch enemy Lovelace would look right at home in this dark beast.

Lucifer's Advocate

Aston Martin DB5

I think it's wonderful how particular cars are associated so strongly with a film or character. Some so strongly that they seem inseparable. Can you think of a Delorean without Marty McFly? Well here is another car that is forever linked, and it's hard to say which is more cool, the car or the man, since we're talking about James Bond. This Aston Martin DB5 by EROL hits all the right marks, instantly recognizable and iconic.

Aston Martin DB5

"We're On A Mission From God"

Jake and Elwood never looked better than they do posing in front of this genius reproduction of the Bluesmobile. Yeah, it's not the Caddie. Yeah, Jake just got out of the joint. Yeah, it's a used police car. But it's got a lot of pick-up, a cop motor, cop tires, cop suspension, cop shocks and it'll run on regular...just needs a new cigarette lighter.

Bluesmobile (2)

Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na...Batman!


Hop in the Bat Time Machine for a blast from the past! There are plenty of LEGO car builders out there, some of them quite good, but they all agree that the king of cars is Lino Martins. This is one of my favorites, the '66 Batmobile.  You know you heard the theme in your head when you looked at this (I guess the post title might have had some influence too).

"Your Claim To Fame" LUGNuts Challenge...'66 Batmobile