Pi Day Feast: A Banquet of Brick-Built Bites
/In honor of Pi Day (π = 3.14 or, as I love to think of it, Pie Day!), what better way to celebrate than by indulging in some delectable dishes? But since you’re here at BrickNerd and not some fancy food blog, we’ll be feasting exclusively on LEGO creations.
So, I hope you’re hungry for another technique spotlight because we’re serving up a full-course meal.
Rise and Dine: Breakfast
First off, you can’t cook up anything tasty without a decent kitchen. Perhaps this nostalgic kitchen (at least if you were born in the 80s or 90s) by Aukbricks will spark some culinary inspiration. I love how things aren’t quite minifig scale.
Now that we have got our surroundings taken care of, let’s get started with the most important meal of the day—breakfast.
Tyler has whipped up this tasty looking waffle and decided to go for breakfast in bed. A tried and true classic to start the day, complete with a glass of orange juice.
Another builder who also seems to enjoy a good waffle is LittleJohn. Although it seems he prefers his sitting at the table reading the morning paper with a lovely cup of coffee.
He seems to have had an abundance of blueberries because he also took the time to make this healthy-looking fruit and yogurt parfait. Though, I have to ask—where’s the honey jar?
And for those of us who want a sturdier start to the day with a savory option instead of sweet, a few eggs and some avocado is the obvious choice! Check out that brittle brown for seasoning! Tasty!
And of course, we can’t forget toast—the ultimate breakfast classic. It is a simple yet reliable classic, as is this build, displayed beautifully here by KosBrick. (You will see their name a few times in this article!)
Between Two Buns: Lunch
Now that we’ve worked up an appetite, let’s move along to lunch. Because honestly, writing this is making me hungry…
One of my favourite things to eat in this world is a good burger—I never seem to get tired of them. Perhaps it’s because there are so many ways to make a burger. I mean, just look below at all these different types of LEGO burgers from a bunch of talented chefs.
The Iron Burger by Jonas Kramm, complete with Duplo lettuce and rubber band onions.
The Anti-ABS Burger by LittleJohn, who has mastered the look of squeezing brick-built ketchup onto everything!
An iconic burger (his 9-year-old got to choose the meal…) by Jonas Wide, with fresh greens and crispy fries.
And if you´re looking for something a bit more “out there“, there is always this delicious looking Spice Korean Burger by vincentkiew. Though I want to know more about the refreshing drinks in the back!
Or you can have the tastiest sandwich I’ve ever seen by Henry Pinto—the crust is what makes this MOC. All good options for a midday meal!
A Different Type if Sandwich: Afternoon Snack
You can’t really write an article about food and not include one of the best ones in the world. I’m talking, of course, about hotdogs, the original meal on the go! Are they fancy? Not really. Are they delicious to look at? Probably not. But are they absolutely awesome and tasty? Most definitely!
We´ll start with this one by KosBrick with a squiggle of ketchup and mustard. Which makes me wonder… is a hot dog a sandwich?
For those of us who like a little more mustard on our hotdogs, MSIndustries does not disappoint. Though with the lack of ketchup, this looks close to being a Chicago dog…
Speaking of ketchup, here’s a tasty MOC from another BrickNerd, Geneva D! (I hear ketchup is one of her favorite foods of all time! 😜)
And sometimes, you really do want to see how the sausage is made. Fortunately, LegoLyman gives us the inside scoop. See? That wasn’t so bad.
Maxx Davidson does seem to have a different approach, but it works just as well. Though I don’t suggest taking a bite out of this one!
Feast Mode: Dinner
Let’s kick off dinner with an appetizer, shall we? How about this adult Lunchable? Yes, I’m talking about this delicious cheese board by Cecilie Fritzvold with perhaps the crispiest crackers of all time.
But what is a meal worthy of such a tasty appetizer? How about this lobster platter from jnj_bricks, with a few tart lemon wedges on the side?
If you’re in the mood for something different, how about a bowl of ramen by BrickNerd’s own Markus. The fish cake takes the cake! Thank heavens LEGO floats.
But dinner doesn’t have to be complicated, so who doesn’t love a good taco? Seems like Albin Hansson sure does complete with shredded cheese.
And we can´t forget about pizza! It is a type of pie, right? This one by Chairudo does look tasty! (Except for that single slice with pineapple—eww!)
One of the most classic LEGO slices is by nobu_tary, which is absolutely dripping with details. You have to learn that too many toppings make for a structurally-droopy slice!
And to transition over to what we´re all looking forward to (dessert!), this creative serving really ties everything together. I mean pizza and ice cream, what’s not to love? Thanks, Michael the Builder.
But before we get into the desserts, my wife said I had to include at least one healthy looking dish… So here we go—a Swedish classic from Aukbricks. Meatballs and mashed potatoes. Enjoy that gravy and lingonberry jam, too! Ikea anyone?
Sweet Tooth: Dessert
As promised, it’s time for a sweet treat for dessert. And what better way to start than some delicious chocolates by KosBrick made with only a few LEGO pieces like the rubber band for the decorations?
But I quite love their little cakes and petit fours. Amazing that those chocolate spheres are actually the classic boy minifigure hair!
Martin Gebert makes one decadent piece of cake! With four layers of flavor, this is one I wish I could actually taste, especially all those swirls or cream and frosting.
Jens Ohrndorf serves up this great looking sundae—man, this looks tasty! So good that we’ve featured it before! It is certainly worth another bite.
A Slice of Pie
And since this is Pie Day, of course we have to end on a high note. So let’s wrap this thing up with a few LEGO pies.
Starting off, we’ve got this tasty treat from W. Navarre practically oozing with cherry filling. And kudos for the brick-built plate and fork!
KosBrick is bringing the blueberries with a tasty slice and a golden crust (and a hint of a fork and a brick-built doily).
Frost Bricks goes for another red pie, this one on a real doily with a real fork too for a fancy look.
LEGO pies don’t need to be complicated. This is the perfect piece of pumpkin pie by Ryan Kessler that uses only 13 pieces to make me hungry! (And this one comes with a little fork too!)
And to round things off, what better way than end than with this one from timofey_tkachev. A true beauty with baguette crust and tasty raspberry filling… though no sadly fork!
Happy Pi Day
I hope you enjoyed this selection of LEGO foods and desserts. Now go forth and celebrate Pi Day with your own delicious builds (or real pies if you must).
Pies by Bill Ward
Have a favorite LEGO food MOC? Share it in the comments below!
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