Sporting Your Best: Bio-Cup 2023 Finals
/It’s all come down to this. The end of Bio-Cup 2023 is here. Three unstoppable constraction builders wanted the win, but only one will come out on top. This year’s Bio-Cup has been nothing short of amazing, with so many talented builders, new and old, really elevating their skills to the next level. If you haven’t seen any of the previous rounds, I encourage you to check out the Flickr group to see all the other builds that are not in the finals. Or you can catch up through BrickNerd’s articles:
If you are all caught up now, the winner of Bio-Cup 2023 is…
Blatant Delaying Tactics
Maybe let’s stop, for just a moment, for a lovely slideshow of the impressive builds selected at random from different stages of the competition. Take it all in!

Bio-Cup Final
We can’t hold back any longer. Here we go, the last three builds of Bio-Cup 2023! The final theme was “sports.”
Power Song - Eero Okkonen
Eero Okkonen is known far and wide for his system-based character builds. He has once again knocked it out of the park with this creation. The sport of choice for Eero was running, with a focus on listening to music while running.
This is a wonderful concept and execution, with the larger figure representing what the human character is feeling. The posing and consistencies between both figures denote a common energy between them. The use of zip lines and Dino tails as muscle fibers is genius and gives this build not only a pop of color but a sense of motion as well.
MX3K - alex_mocs
Alex_mocs is the second finalist with a build that really made the battle for first place neck and neck until the end. Racing was his pick of sport—and what a unique and futuristic way to interpret the theme.
The simple yet effective greebling contrasted by the sleek, brightly colored panels creates a sense of realism as if these were actual vehicles, not LEGO. On top of all that, in the same way that real race cars are covered in logos, Alex pulled out all the perfect stickers to decorate them.
Terminal Burnout Alert - VB
Although VB also chose running for his sport, his concept is completely opposite from Eero’s. This build perfectly captures what many experience in their journey through Bio-Cup—the feeling of being burnt out and being in way over their heads.
I don’t know if that’s how VB felt making this, but it sure doesn’t look like it. The build is action-packed and full of character. Obviously the fire is a focal point, but I love the detail of the shoes being red as well. These little details show how much thought is put into each of these builds.
And The Winner of Bio-Cup 2023 Is…
Each finalist is deserving of the coveted first-place spot, but that can only go to one builder. And that builder is… VB! A huge congratulations to them and to everyone who participated.
Even though the goal for many is making it to the top, Bio-Cup is a tried and true way to improve your constraction building skills, so everyone still walks away with something including the audience who got to see and stand in awe of these amazing builds.
So that concludes another spectacular Bio-Cup, and I already can’t wait to see how next year’s showing will be. Until then, give construction a chance!
Have you been following the competition? Is this the first you’ve heard of it? Leave your thoughts in the comments below.
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