RC McLaren Senna

I remember having an RC car back in the day. An awesome cherry red Ferrari Enzo with silver rims and even headlights that you could turn on. This bad boy would zoom around the house at ungodly speeds, until it would eventually crash into a wall every time. Nonetheless, I’m pretty sure my 8 year old self would not mind having this McLaren Senna by morimorilego instead. A new ride built out of my favorite toy! But I can’t imagine the damage of crashing this RC car into a wall. Absolutely brutal.

Arm Made of LEGO!

David Aguilar, born without a right forearm due to a genetic condition, has built one for himself out of LEGO bricks. In fact, it’s mostly from set #9396. He’s an engineering student in Spain and has been creating his own LEGO arms since age 9. The latest version, inspired by Iron Man, has a bendable elbow and gripping hand. Check out the video. His goal after he graduates is to build affordable prosthetics for people in need. Excellent!

How about a repulsor on the next one, David?

Awesome Scale Tires For Technic

The fine folks at Pro-Line Racing are not only passionate about RC racing, they're also big into LEGO. So imagine their delight and surprise to discover that the off road tires they developed for RC also happen to fit on LEGO technic vehicles. Not only do they fit, they look amazing! Check out the video below for more details and visit them at www.prolineracing.com and for a limited time use the code PROLINEBRICK10 to save 10%.


Go Anywhere, Do Anything

One of my favorite family cars growing up was my dad's Jeep. It was obnoxious orange, bouncy, and uncomfortable, and we all loved it. So I have a natural soft spot for the venerable Jeep, and when I saw this beast by builder Horcik Designs I knew instantly I was going to blog it. And while I absolutely love my Toyota Tacoma, I could see myself towing my new Airstream with this without using much imagination.

Slightly Heretic
Slightly Heretic

Motorized Magic Cube

If you haven't seen one before, "magic cubes" (or Yoshimoto Cubes) are pretty mesmerizing things. You can endlessly fold them, which is strangely satisfying. But why go to all that trouble when you can do it by remote control? That's what builder slfroden seems to have wondered, so he built this fully motorized and remote controlled version of a magic cube, and what can I say, It's magical.

Lego Motorized Mega Magic Folding Cube

That's A Big Crane

Whenever one of these behemoths passes me on the road I'm in awe. Humans sure can built some crazy big stuff can't we? But I think seeing this colossal MOC by Dirk Klijn in person would be equally awe inspiring. This is the culmination of over three and a half years of work, and it shows. With five S-Bricks controlling over 17 functions it's a workhorse as well. I can't wait to see video of this baby in action. Click through for loads more pictures including a lot of WIP.

Liebherr LTM 1090 4.1 - Sarens
Liebherr LTM 1090 4.1 - Sarens
Liebherr LTM 1090 4.1 - Sarens

Porsche 919 Le Mans

This is speed, this is engineering, this is sexy. Builder Manuel Nascimento has built a Technic tribute to one of the fastest, sleekest and most famous race cars, the Porsche 919. It only takes a glance to see this was a labor of love, but it's in the details you see the true devotion. Click through for more pictures and check out the video.


Technic Ford Edge

This Technic Ford Edge by builder chumuhou is pretty insane. There's no description or links to learn more about it, so I can't tell you what specific features it has, but the battery pack and motors visible from below make it look like a fully functioning RC car. The body styling is fantastic, right down to the Ford emblem on the awesome front grill. 


Simple Drawing Machine

When I was a kid I had a Spirograph, and I was endlessly fascinated with it. The patterns generated by intersecting arcs of motion were as interesting as the mechanical process that created them. Now builder and mechanical mastermind JK Brickworks bring this process to LEGO with a simple but elegant machine. And he published the instructions on his website so you can build your own.

Simple Drawing Machine

Unboxing the Technic 911 GT3 RS

Every few years The LEGO Group produces a set that is universally applauded and I think this year we have a winner. Whether you're into Technic or cars or not, you have to appreciate the skill, care, engineering and love that went into this set. It's truly a work of art and a premium building experience. The attention to detail in every aspect, starting with the box it comes in, is superb. I can't wait to share the finished model with you, but for now, an unboxing will have to suffice.

Muravi Mini Forklift

I love when a MOC makes me go "wait, what?" That's the case with this awesome little forklift from builder mahjqa. The clean build and excellent pictures caught my attention, but I assumed it was just a nice Technic build, then I watched the video. This thing is a seriously agile and accurate little MOC, and the creative photography with Technic rigs is super impressive. The inclusion of the S-Brick makes it tablet controlled and the results are spectacular. And luckily for all of us the builder has shared the LDD file on his website as well, we can build our own!


Build This Earth, Moon And Sun Orrery!

Mechanical mad genius JK Brickworks is back with another fun project, and something that everyone needs on their desk, an Orrery. I'd call it simple, because it just has the sun, earth and moon, but as you can see in the picture and video, it's far from it. It's also surprisingly accurate in rotation and orbit, having cycles that are really close to the actual celestial bodies. And with instructions generously shared by the builder, you can make your own!

Earth, Moon and Sun Orrery

Tadano Mobile Crane

Way back when I built a lot of Technic. Not really my own MOCs, but I did buy a lot of sets, especially the big ones. So I have a somewhat vague idea what went into the engineering behind this behemoth by builder Engineering with ABS. But I'll emphasize vague, because even the largest LEGO produced set pales in comparison to this mechanical marvel. Just check out the specs in the bottom picture, it's really impressive. Click through for more pics and specs.

Tadano AR-1200M Mobile Crane 03
Tadano AR-1200M Mobile Crane 01
Tadano AR-1200M Mobile Crane 07

Technic '59 Caddy

Cadillac, the name is synonymous with quality. And now builder martijnnab22 has built the Cadillac of Technic MOCs (see what I did there?) with this sweet '59 Eldorado Biarritz 1959 Convertible. It's loaded with features including independent suspension, power functions remote control, lighting, locking doors and more. Check out the video to see them all.

Cadillac Eldorado Biarritz 1959 Convertible

Working LEGO Clock Has As Much Form As It Has Function

Builder gonkius has crafted a thing of beauty here, a fully functional clock with an NXT at it's core. This isn't some fancy trick clock with a motor driving the hands, it's a fully functional clockwork with an escapement and pendulum. It's a wonder of LEGO engineering, and beautifully built, and it's just as gorgeous with it's skin on. Check out the video to see it in action and click through for more pictures.