Going for Gold: The Story of the Golden RCX and NXT

Going for Gold: The Story of the Golden RCX and NXT

The rare gold LEGO RCX and NXT bricks have been revealed! The epic tale involves trips to the US and Billund, a Technic dinosaur, a local jeweler, a group of AFOL superfans and lots of cake.

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Working LEGO Clock Has As Much Form As It Has Function

Builder gonkius has crafted a thing of beauty here, a fully functional clock with an NXT at it's core. This isn't some fancy trick clock with a motor driving the hands, it's a fully functional clockwork with an escapement and pendulum. It's a wonder of LEGO engineering, and beautifully built, and it's just as gorgeous with it's skin on. Check out the video to see it in action and click through for more pictures.

Robotic Hand


Here at BrickNerd we like to look back from time to time, even to our own past. Way back before I made the switch to digital effects I did creature effects and animatronics. I've built many hands in my time, but I don't think any were as cool as this one from Barman76. I really like the linkage on the fingers, allowing all four to gracefully move independently, but be driven by two motors, genius! Watch the video, you'll be amazed.
