The Mystery and Legend of the White Brick

The Mystery and Legend of the White Brick

These mysterious white bricks started appearing around Brickworld Chicago in 2017. What do they mean to the LEGO community and what is hidden inside of them? Join us as we unravel the mystery of the White Brick and discover the hidden, deeply personal meanings within.

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Why We Celebrate International LEGO Day

Why We Celebrate International LEGO Day

Happy International LEGO Day from BrickNerd! Today we celebrate our love of LEGO bricks from all around the globe—but why today specifically? Looking at history, three events changed the game in such a remarkable way that we wouldn’t be AFOLs today if they hadn’t happened.

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The LEGO Story: Preserving a Life With LEGO in a Book

The LEGO Story: Preserving a Life With LEGO in a Book

What was growing up with LEGO like for the founding family and what new photos have been uncovered in the LEGO archives? We learn all in the new book “The LEGO Story” from author Jens Andersen himself.

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