How to Part Out LEGO Sets: Sorting Your Way Out of a Dark Age

How to Part Out LEGO Sets: Sorting Your Way Out of a Dark Age

How do you part out a LEGO set into pieces that you can build with? Guest contributor Katie Walker shows us her sorting process and storage system and describes how sorting helped her back into the hobby.

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"Know Your Pieces" Like This 10,000-Piece Framed LEGO Painting

"Know Your Pieces" Like This 10,000-Piece Framed LEGO Painting

Being a fan of highly detailed facades, especially most from the Oriental part of the world, I must say that the more you look at this one the more you will find. Builder Hoang Dang—known in the LEGO community as Know Your Pieces—has practically created a “Where’s Waldo” of spectacular nice-part-usage (NPU) out of 10,000 pieces.

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Cool Critters

There have pretty much always been cats at my house, from "Tiki" the siamese mix I had as a kid to "Crash" and "Ashley" they cats I have now. None of them have been particularly cool, at least not as cool as these critters by Arzlan. I suppose Crash is sorta cool, when he's not barfing or suffocating us in our sleep, but Ashley is essentially a furry speed bump, useless. She's like a butterball turkey wearing a fur jacket. I've never had a rabbit, but judging by this pic it's the ringleader. Like that friend you had as a kid with all the best bad ideas.
