Bricks LA Is Coming

Did you know there's a LEGO convention in Los Angeles? it's true! Bricks LA is a fairly new con, having celebrated it's first one this year in May and he next one is just around the corner in January, so you better get hopin' (I better get hoppin' too!) The deadline to register as a VIB (very important builder, con attendee) is next week, December 12th so get your travel plans set. I'll see you in Los Angeles in just a few weeks!

- January 8-10, 2016
- Public Hours are Saturday January 9 and Sunday January 10 from 10am to 5pm
- Pasadena Convention Center in Pasadena, CA (300 E Green St, Pasadena, CA 91101)
- Deadline to register as a VIB: December 12th, 2015
- Deadline to register MOCs for MOC cards: December 20th, 2015
- VIB Registration cost: $55
- Admission to public show is just $5, kids 5 and under are free.

We Have Winners!

The judges have weighed in, the votes have been counted and we have clear winners. But before I say anything else I have to say what an incredible group of MOCs from an incredible group of builders. Judging was supremely difficult this year not only from the sheer number of entries, but from the staggering quality, creativity and diversity of all those wonderful Nerdlys. I am blown away and while I wish I could give everyone a prize, there can be only three, so without further ado, the NERDvember 2015 winners...

1st place - Nerdogorth by Paddy Bricksplitter

One of my personal favorites (it should be noted I wasn't a judge) so it makes me happy this is first. A wonderful mashup between a classic Star Wars moment and Nerdly, love it.

The Nerdogorth

2nd place - Nerdly in carbonite by KOS brick

Another personal favorite. When this MOC was posted it gave everyone pause, and upped the ante. A brilliant concept perfectly executed and photographed.

Nerdly in Carbonite

3rd place - Nerdcrawler by Captainsmog

This entry will forever make me imagine that under those dark hoods, Jawas are wearing Nerdly glasses around those glowing yellow eyes.

NERDvember: NERDcrawler

Congratulations to all our winners, you deserve it. And a huge thank you to everyone that entered, you're all awesome. And of course I wish to thank all our sponsors this year, we couldn't do it without you. Until next year, build on and nerd out!

Star Wars Evolved

Our pals over at FBTB have announced another awesome contest. Inspired by all the familiar but new ships we've already seen from The Force Awakens, they're asking you to pick a ship from the Star Wars universe and update, or 'evolve' it. Head over to FBTB for all the details. You have until January 16th to enter, which means you can even wait until after you see EP7 for more inspiration.

By the way, this is the coolest contest poster I think I've ever seen, nice job Don!

NERDvember is almost over!

Well folks it's almost over. But the good news is if you still want to build, you still have three days. So what are you waiting for?

I'd like to give a big shout to one last sponsor, BRICKSTUDS and my buddy Brandon Griffith. STUDS is a series of collector cards featuring AFOLs from around the world. I have the distinct honor of having a card of my own in series 1 and I'm very happy that there will be some packs in the prize packages this year.

The clock is ticking, it's a four day weekend (at least here in the US) and you're out of excuses. Break out the bricks and get building!

NERDvember update

NERDvember is going strong as we end the third week and I continue to be absolutely floored by the quality of the submissions. Who knew the Star Wars universe would inspire so much creativity. You still have over a week to build so break out those bricks!

I'd like to send a huge shout out to some more sponsors. First there's Cooper Works, makers of fine decals and stickers. They are providing a sticker pack that will be divided between the winners. Next is EclipseGRAFX and customBRICKS, brick printers and customizers extraordinaire. Both are sending assortments of custom printed parts that will blow your mind.


And lastly is Brick Loot, monthly subscription box for brick lovers. They are providing custom LEGO models including the one designed by yours truly, Nerdasaurus Rex!

Thanks to these and all the sponsors of NERDvember, you all rock! Now if you haven't started building you better get on it, time is running out!

NERDvember update

It's the end of the second week of NERDvember and the MOCs continue to blow me away. So much incredible talent!

I check the group multiple times a day, and it seems like once a day I squee like a little girl. I do not envy the judges for this, it's going to be supremely difficult. I'd like to send a shoutout to a few more sponsors. First, there's BRICKSTUDS, who will be providing some packs of the coolest collector cards on the planet, STUDS collector cards!

Next up is the definitive magazine for AFOLs and fans of the brick, BrickJournal Magazine. Twomorrows Publishing will be providing a one year subscription to BrickJournal. 

And finally those illuminating geniuses at Brickstuff will be providing a Pico Light Board starter kit, so you can get started in the wonderful world of MOC lighting.

A huge thanks to these and all the sponsors of NERDvember, you all rock!. Stay tuned for more updates and if you haven't already started building, you better get on it!

A LEGO Brickumentary Is Out On Home Video!

A LEGO Brickumentary is finally out on home video! As many of you know, BrickNerd Studios produced over 8 minutes of original animation for this film, and it was a fantastic opportunity. If you love the brick (you must, you're ready my mostly terrible blog) you'll love this heart warming and informative documentary about how LEGO touches the lives of so many around the world.

NERDvember is here!

That's right you Nerdly building maniacs, NERDvember is here! Sure Halloween is fun, and everyone loves the Holidays, but November is quickly becoming our favorite month of the year. That's the month you crazy talented builders all over the world create some amazing MOCs inspired by BrickNerd's mascot Nerdly. Three winners will win prize packages including loads of stuff from our awesome sponsors. This year we're giving out some super sweet prizes. 

With Star Wars The Force Awakens so close, and us being such nerds, we thought we'd put an emphasis on MOCs from the Star Wars universe this year.  Of course, if you have any ideas on how you'd elaborate on Nerdly, go right ahead, it doesn't have to be Star Wars related. If you need some inspiration, here's last year's incredible creations.

Head over to the official Flickr group, read the rules, join up, download Nerdly instructions if you need them and get building. We can't wait to see what you create!

Huge thanks to all the awesome sponsors for this year!

Chroble Shelves

Have you noticed the awesome Walnut Minifigure shelves on my set? Well, they're totally cool, super high quality and you (or someone you love, the holidays are upon us you know) need some. And you're in luck because the fine folks at Chroble have a promotion going that will make sure your new shelves have a nice new fig to display. Right now they're giving away a free series 14 Minifigure with every shelf you order! Order a shelf, get a fig, order four shelves, get four figs. Plus right now if you use the coupon code BRICKNERD20 you'll get 20% off your order. Hurry the code is only good until Dec 8th!

Get Beyond The Brick To BrickCon

BrickCon is one of, if not the best LEGO conventions on the planet. I've only been to a few different cons, but out of those it is by far my favorite and I look forward to going every year (fingers crossed I'll get there this year). Our pals over at Beyond the Brick would like to make it to this year's con and have launched a Kickstarter campaign to get there and make an exclusive video of the event. They've got some cool rewards and some nifty stretch goals. Head over and help them out.

Build A LEGO Lab Contest

Radleys, an international chemist equipment manufacturer, is running competition right now. They're inviting builders of all ages to create a LEGO laboratory. It can be any size you want, it just has to be 100% LEGO, the crazier the better. Winners in two age groups will win a £150 shopping spree at Head over to their website for all the specifics and get building!


I'm super excited about the LEGO Ideas Wall•E set. It's a favorite Pixar character of mine, it's designed by my friend Angus MacLane and a completely awesome model. Well, my pals at The Brothers Brick managed to get their grubby little paws on one (don't ask me how, I don't know the details but I understand lemur sacrifice might have played a role) and have an exclusive review of it! Click through for your first peek at this amazing new model.