Beyond Lights: Taking Your LEGO Builds to the Next Level

Beyond Lights: Taking Your LEGO Builds to the Next Level

Lighting can instantly add life to any LEGO build, but where do you start? Rob Klingberg from Brickstuff shares where to begin, how lighting has evolved the past few years, and the exciting place where it could head in the future.

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Lighting New Hashima: Letting the Cyber City Shine

Lighting New Hashima: Letting the Cyber City Shine

How do you make a gigantic LEGO cyber city shine? By running hundreds of feet in wires connected to thousands of lights, of course. Join BrickNerd for New Hashima takeover week as we peek inside the collab to see how it all lights up.

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One More Month to MOC the Mundane

One More Month to MOC the Mundane

One mundane month down, one to go for the Festival of Mundanity! We’ve already seen some wonderfully dull creations built for this boring contest we are cohosting with The LEGO Car Blog. Let’s take a quick look at some of the entries (and check out some awesome inspiration too)!

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Welcome to the Festival of Mundanity!

Welcome to the Festival of Mundanity!

LEGO contests usually bring out the best in builders who create impressive vistas and concept cars. Well, this contest is different. We’re on the hunt for amazing LEGO builds of the most uninteresting things. Join us and The LEGO Car Blog as we celebrate the mundane.

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How My LEGO Hobby Got Me Invited to the Royal Palace

How My LEGO Hobby Got Me Invited to the Royal Palace

Hi! I’m Are. That’s me on the right in the picture above (albeit in a slightly younger version). About ten years ago, after I had rediscovered LEGO, I dove head-first into the world of AFOLs—which I never knew existed up until then. Since then I have traveled to LEGO conventions all over the place (well, not all over, but I’m getting there!) and been so lucky to meet all kinds of fantastic people. And what happens when you go places and meet people? You collect stories.

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Shed Some Light On Hogwarts

Those mad geniuses at Brickstuff have done it again. As if LEGO 71043 Hogwarts wasn't impressive enough, now you can trick it out with another stunning lighting and sound kit from Brickstuff. And this isn’t your typical “stuff it with way too bright LEDs” kit we see so much of these days, it’s seriously high tech and incredibly well thought out. Brickstuff took over six months developing it, including the development of a whole new controller board. It’s the most advanced kit they’ve ever offered, surpassing even the stunning Millennium Falcon kit. And it’s not just a bunch of lights that turn on and off, it’s storytelling. The whole kit is designed from the ground up to bring the castle to life, not just make it visible in the dark. And once you add your own sounds to it, you will swear school is in session. The kit is so innovative Brickstuff has created it’s own website, to showcase it. The kits are available for pre-order now, but there’s a limited supply of “mega-bundles” so act fast.


Adding Lights And Sound To The UCS Falcon

What could possibly be better than the LEGO Star Wars UCS Millennium Falcon? The LEGO Star Wars UCS Millennium Falcon with lights and sound! We installed the Brickstuff premium kit in ours and it's absolutely amazing. The kit includes 109 LEDs, 2 speakers and sound modules, more than 75 genuine LEGO parts and a remote control. 

For more info visit

To see some of the behind the scenes action check out the Twitch Channel at our sister site Nerds&Makers.

NERDvember update

It's the end of the second week of NERDvember and the MOCs continue to blow me away. So much incredible talent!

I check the group multiple times a day, and it seems like once a day I squee like a little girl. I do not envy the judges for this, it's going to be supremely difficult. I'd like to send a shoutout to a few more sponsors. First, there's BRICKSTUDS, who will be providing some packs of the coolest collector cards on the planet, STUDS collector cards!

Next up is the definitive magazine for AFOLs and fans of the brick, BrickJournal Magazine. Twomorrows Publishing will be providing a one year subscription to BrickJournal. 

And finally those illuminating geniuses at Brickstuff will be providing a Pico Light Board starter kit, so you can get started in the wonderful world of MOC lighting.

A huge thanks to these and all the sponsors of NERDvember, you all rock!. Stay tuned for more updates and if you haven't already started building, you better get on it!

Brickstuff Coming To The UK And Europe


Scotland based Curious Minds has become the sole European and UK retailer for US based Brickstuff. This is great news for all my friends and fellow LEGO enthusiasts across the pond. I'm a huge fan of Brickstuff and it's founder Rob Klingberg. I've used their lighting products in every stop-motion short I've produced and will continue to do so.

Visit Curious Minds' website for more information and get your lighting on!