And the Winner of Nerdly Strikes Back Is…

And the Winner of Nerdly Strikes Back Is…

The wait is over! The results of our Nerdly Strikes Back contest are in! Judging this LEGO contest was HARD because of how awesomely varied the submissions were. Without further ado, the Golden Nerdly trophy goes to…

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LEGO Contest Round-Up for February 2021

LEGO Contest Round-Up for February 2021

Sometimes a spark of imagination, a group theme, prizes or even a deadline is all you need to get building! Here are all the LEGO community contests for the month of FebRovery… um, actually February!

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The Classic LEGO Theme You Should Vote For

The Classic LEGO Theme You Should Vote For

To celebrate LEGO’s 90th anniversary, the company is letting fans vote for a classic theme that will be the inspiration for a new singular set released in 2022. But which of the 30 themes on the ballot should you vote for? Our BrickNerd team weighed in and came to the conclusion that the single perfect LEGO theme to make a comeback is…

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LEGO Contest Round-Up for January 2021

LEGO Contest Round-Up for January 2021

Are you ready to get building and maybe win a prize? Find some inspiration and motivation in these LEGO contests from all around the AFOL community! There’s nothing quite like a theme or a seed part to take you out of your comfort zone and give you inspiration to something new to try. Plus, contests are the perfect place to interact with other contestants and judges and get to know your fellow builders. And if you’re like me, a deadline is all I need to make sure I actually finish that WIP!

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Nerdly Strikes Back Contest!

Nerdly Strikes Back Contest!

A long time ago, in a suburban cul-de-sac far, far away, from me at least, the idea of a new LEGO blog was created. Tommy-Wan, I mean, Williamson, started BrickNerd and built its iconic Nerdly brick. Complete with taped glasses, the Nerdly has been customized from its humble 2x2 red brick origins to just about every character and theme you can imagine. And I can imagine quite a bit!

Now that the BrickNerd saga is back, there’s a New Hope that a contest of building skill and creativity will Awaken a Force of enthusiasm for the site among its readers and contributors.

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We Have Our Winners


The secret panel of judges have weighed in, the votes have been tallied and we have the winners of Nerdvember 2018. While they’re all amazing creations, and all winners in my book, there can be only three. So here they are, in order…

FIRST PLACE - Nerdliocart by Clever Lego Reference

A brilliant reference to Nintendo classic Mariocart. This eye catching and colorful MOC depicts Nerdly behind the wheel and racing his heart out. No idea what place he came in in the race, but for Nerdvember, he came in first.

SECOND PLACE - Competition Nerd Joystick (VIC-20) by voxel123

This is one for the retro gaming and computing fans. The Commodore VIC-20 was the first computer for many families in the early 80’s, and one of the best things about it was playing games. And what better way to abuse your thumbs than to use an old school joystick? Luckily this one can play itself, sparing your thumbs.

THIRD PLACE - Piranherd Plant by cmaddison

Another Nintendo classic, from the original Super Mario and many other games, the plant that made you think twice about any green tube sticking out of the ground. While they’re all dangerous, this one might be slightly less so, since he needs glasses.

I’d like to thank all those who entered, there were some fantastic creations and narrowing it down to just three wasn’t easy. I’d like to thank the secret panel of judges for taking the time for this daunting task. And lastly I’d like to thank our sponsors for donating such amazing prizes, you’re all awesome!


Nerdvember Is Here!


It’s here, Nerdvember is here! It’s time to break out the Nerdly instructions and get the creative juices flowing for BrickNerd’s annual building contest! We want you to build our mascot Nerdly, but not just any Nerdly, we want to see you get creative with him.

The theme this year is Video Games. Everything from the glorious first days of Pong to the incredibly popular Fortnite, and chunky 8-bit to millions of polys. We want you to find inspiration in all the wonderful pixel-based-time-wasters of the last four decades. Yes, it’s been over forty years of blips and boops and sore thumbs, and who knows how many thousands of games. We think you’ll agree there’s a whole lot to inspire some amazing creations and you have a whole month to build.


Just join the official Flickr group, blow on the cartridge, grab a joystick and start building, you have until midnight November 30th to enter as many times as you like. And just like past years we have an amazing group of sponsors with loads of awesome prizes. There's a Brick Loot box, lighting accessories from BrickStuff, a clock and watch from ClicTime, custom parts from Crazy Bricks, a subscription to BrickJournal, cool stuff from Brickmania, stickers from Cooper Works, custom printed bricks from EclipseGRAFX and to top it all off some of the brand new Overwatch sets from LEGO!


I’d also like to give a huge shout out to the incredibly talented Paul Lee for his awesome illustration of the official BrickNerd 10-Doh! A creative collaboration between BrickNerd and Nate Mitchell from Squid Kids Ink.


Must submit to official Flickr group no later than Nov 30th 11:59pm PST

Enter as many times as you like

Please submit no more than two pictures per MOC

Tag your pictures with "Nerdvember"

Must be physically built, no digital models please

No age limit, but if you’re under 18 please ask your parents

No scale limit, build as big or small as you like

No knockoff brands (Kre-o, Mega, etc.) but third party accessories are OK (Brickforge, Brickarms, Brickstuff, etc.)

Stickers are allowed

The theme is Video Games, but you don't have to follow it if you don't want to, build whatever you want, just make it nerdy.

Download free instructions for Nerdly at


Winners will be featured on BrickNerd and there will be three prize packages of various levels of awesome, first second and third. No special categories or funny business, just 1 2 3. Prizes will be shipped directly from the sponsors starting in December. LEGO prizes will ship in January. Judging will be done by a small, secret committee, their word is final.


Win The Ultimate LEGO Travel Contest!

Our pals over at Beyond the Brick are hosting a contest that pretty much every AFOL wants to win, a trip to Billund to see the LEGO house, and attend Skærbæk Fan Weekend! They want you to get creative and reimagine a LEGO set, big or small, and post pictures to the official Flickr group. Watch the video and read all about it here, then get building!

Be Cool Honey Bunny...

I realize some of our younger readers might not understand this, and to that I say "someday you will, when you're old enough to watch Pulp Fiction". This was built by Mark van der Maarel for the Kill Brick Contest at Rogue Bricks, which is challenging fans to built MOCs inspired by Quentin Tarantino. I can't wait to see what the builders come up with.

"Be cool Honey-Bunny! Be cool!"

Win A LEGO Star Wars BB-8 Watch!


Everybody loves BB-8, that adorable ball of droid goodness from Star Wars. Everyone needs to know what time it is every now and then. So why not combine them? That right, we're talking about a LEGO Star Wars BB-8 watch, and you can win one super easy. Just click below to enter, there's several ways to do it and you can increase your odds by doing them all.


Only One Week Left!

Hey all you 80's fans, you only have one week left to get in on the Nerdvember action! We're giving away some awesome prizes including the Ghostbusters Firehouse, Snowspeeder and Speederbike from LEGO, lights from Brickstuff, books from No Starch, printed bricks from CustomBRICKS and EclipseGRAFX, clocks and watches from ClicTime, a subscription to BrickJournal, Stickers from Cooperworks, custom parts from CrazyBricks and a Brick Loot box! There's been some awesome entries so far, what will you build? Contest ends Nov 30th at midnight, get building!


Nerdvember 2017 Is Here!


It's here, Nerdvember 2017! I wanted to make a video to kick this off but I simply didn't have time, between traveling and a tight production schedule on back to back projects I'm stretched a bit thin, so I'll ask you to use your imagination. We hear a driving 80's beat, not unlike Jan Hammer and see multiple Miami Vice like shots of an exotic car driving through a picturesque coastal scene. Then the car stops and I step out of the car, dressed like Don Johnson. I tip down my mirror shades and say simply "welcome to Nerdvember". Now if that doesn't set the scene for a totally awesome 80's contest I don't know what does. That's right, Nerdvember 2017's theme is "80's" and everything that goes with it. Think of all the movies, TV shows, video games, music and pop culture of the 80's, and think how you could spin our mascot Nerdly to that and you get the idea. 


If you're not in the know, this is Nerdly, BrickNerd's mascot, and he's bitchin'. Your task is to incorporate him into an awesome 80's mashup. Imagine him with a proton pack, singing Beat It, Terminating, whatever! If you need a little inspiration check out the entries from 2016 and 2015. And while the theme is 80's, you can also build whatever you want, we don't care as long as it's nerdy! You can download free instructions for Nerdly here.

Just join the official Flickr group, put on your Walkman, crank up the Duran Duran and start building, you have until midnight November 30th to enter as many times as you like. And just like past years we have an amazing group of sponsors with loads of tubular prizes. There's a Brick Loot box, lighting accessories from BrickStuff, a clock and watch from ClicTime, custom parts from Crazy Bricks, a subscription to BrickJournal, stickers from Cooper Works, custom printed bricks from CustomBRICKS and EclipseGRAFX and to top it all off some awesome sets from LEGO. I can't reveal what they are yet, but the theme is 80's you know (hint hint).

Update: No Starch Press has joined the sponsors and will be sending books to winners!


Must submit to official Flickr group no later than Nov 30th 11:59pm PST
Enter as many times as you like
Please submit no more than two pictures per MOC
Tag your pictures with "Nerdvember"
Must be physically built, no digital models please
No age limit, but if you’re under 18 please ask your parents
No scale limit, build as big or small as you like
No knockoff brands (Kre-o, Mega, etc.) but third party accessories are OK (Brickforge, Brickarms, Brickstuff, etc.)
Stickers are allowed
The theme is 80's, but you don't have to follow it if you don't want to, build whatever you want, just make it nerdy.
Download free instructions for Nerdly at
Winners will be featured on BrickNerd and there will be three prize packages of various levels of awesome, first second and third. No special categories or funny business, just 1 2 3. Prizes will be shipped directly from the sponsors starting in December. Judging will be done by a small, secret committee, their word is final.

SHIPtember 2017 Recap

Another SHIPtember has gone by, once again full of incredible sci-fi spaceSHIPs! The 5th annual contest produced some of the best SHIP's Flickr has yet to see. With each design being 100 studs long or more, they all are leaving an impact on SHIP builders for the future. 

Fellow BrickNerd contributor El Barto and myself also contributed our own SHIP's this year, and we had fun doing while doing it!

Until next year's amazing space contest, enjoy these highlights picked out by your favorite BrickNerd members!


Nathaniel Stoner

     My name is Nathaniel Stoner, and I am an very active LEGO builder.  I mostly build in the themes of castle and science-fiction, but I also dabble in other genres and create occasional random MOC's (My Own Creations). 

     When I was younger, I would get and build small LEGO sets for my birthday, but I was never really into them.  When they fell apart, I would become frustrated attempting to put them back together and would throw them in a box in my closet.  I couldn't stand them!

     Then, miraculously, I became addicted to the LEGO brick later in my teen years.  Ever since, I have continued to build up (pun intended) my collection of bricks and to expand my knowledge of techniques and building skills.  LEGO is truly more than a toy, its an art form and a way to express yourself.

     For the most part, I collect LEGO Star Wars (mainly the minifigs), which is probably my favorite LEGO theme.  I have a fairly decent collection, including some of the original 1999 sets, such as the Snowspeeder, X-Wing, and Naboo starfighter.  I also collected LEGO the Lord of the Rings when those sets first came out.  The minifigs are great, and the story remains one of my favorites ever. 

     My hope is to inspire other young (and perhaps even older) LEGO builders to unleash their inner creativity!  You can find me on my Flikr here