Huh Huh Huh

I am not ashamed to say I’m a Beavis and Butthead fan. Mike Judge’s breakout animated classic is way smarter than people give it credit for. There’s contemporary humor, biting social commentary, political subversion and many layers of wit in the show. There’s also sophomoric humor, crude jokes, and butts, huh huh huh. Nicely done LEGO 7.

Are You Threatening Me?

One of my guilty pleasures is Beavis and Butthead. Yes, there’s a load of sophomoric humor (ok, it’s mostly sophomoric humor) but there’s also so exceptionally clever writing and subtle humor going on. And I don’t think I’ve ever laughed as hard at any episode as I did “The Great Cornholio” where we see what happens when Beavis gets just a bit too much caffeine. A simple but very effective build by Pascal.

A Fate Worse Than Getting Blown Out Of An Airlock

Builder dvdliu has an interesting thought experiment. What if xenomorphs (the aliens in the Alien movies) developed developed a civilized and "normal" lifestyle? Well, here's a peek at what that might look like, and it's sort of dreary. Yes, I wouldn't wish a desk job, especially wearing a tie, on anyone...or anything. 

Alien in Office
Alien in Office

Crime Scene Recreation

WARNING, the following images may be unsuitable for some viewers

In late 1978 a crime was committed that the world has never quite recovered from. I can tell you as a first hand witness to this heinous event, I was scarred for life. I am referring of course to the Star Wars Holiday Special which aired November 17, 1978...a day that will live in infamy. Builder storm_tk431 has brilliantly recreated just one of the many scenes of this crime, so that we many never forget.


Millennial Falcon

What's this? Is it a Corellian freighter from a galaxy far, far away? No, it's avocado toast and a pumpkin spice latte taking a selfie courtesy of the wonderfully bent sense of humor of Melan-E and Ochre Jelly. Speaking of Corellian freighters, did you know our pals at Brothers Brick are giving away one? All you have to do is build your own, so get to it.

Millennial Falcon


Here's a little something by builder tigertvi to help you get through these challenging times. With the economy, hurricanes, fires, questionable "leadership" and everything else going on in the world that is constantly attempting to harsh your mellow, use this image to help get you through. Inspired by The Oatmeal, this rimshot cat is the perfect punchline emphasis for all the jokes that life is throwing at us right now. When something hits, just think of this, go "ba-dum-tss", and push on.


Keko Pops!

Hey kids! You want to start your day off right, right? You can't just run off to the factory or place of labor without getting properly fueled up. Those jobs are important, and too difficult or dangerous for humans so they're relying on YOU! Start your day with a balanced breakfast of Keko Pops! All the energy you need to be productive and dependable, and a free torque wrench in every box!

Robot Breakfast

What Is Going On In My Head

For the first time ever the secret has been revealed as to the anatomical makeup of the typical Adult Fan Of LEGO (AFOL) thanks to builder Nikita Nikolsky. Thanks to modern science and creative building we can see the inner workings of the typical brick brained AFOL. Don't be alarmed, we're all perfectly fine (well, most of us) and you have nothing to worry about. Unless you consider storage space, budget, every flat surface of your living area and of course the continual cliche threat of stepping on a brick.

AFOL'S Anatomy

Seuss Army Knife

Any Cub Scout will tell you that "be prepared" is the Scout motto. Ever since I was a neckerchiefed little snot nose I've had assorted multi-tools and knives-of-many-blades. But none have been as cool as this MOC by vitreolum. You just never know when you'll need a boxing glove or a bubble gun, and with a Seuss Army Knife in your pocket, you'll be prepared.

Seuss Army Knife

When Animal Mimicry Breaks Down

I've always been a huge Far Side fan. And when you combine LEGO and Gary Larson, you cannot help but WIN. This MOC by vitreolum perfectly illustrates this fact, combining mad skills, comic humor clever part use to not only make another entry for Iron Builder, but also for MOCathalon. That's a whole lot of WIN.

When Animal Mimicry Breaks Down

The Adventures Of Nigel

Builder MinifigNick has recently been posting a series of charming little MOCs featuring Nigel, a slug-like monster on some adventures. I don't know the genesis of this character and I don't care, I just look forward to seeing what further antics he gets up to. He's already married (that was quick) so I guess it's on to domestic life (and of course, a minivan).

It's Ok Steve I've Helped Myself.
Nigel's In Love
Nigel Gets Married