Fabulous Fabufigs: A Brick-Built Tribute to LEGO Fabuland

Fabulous Fabufigs: A Brick-Built Tribute to LEGO Fabuland

The newest LEGO House exclusive set brings back some beloved Fabuland characters in brick-built form, but who is missing? Guest contributor Dale Harris reflects on Fabuland’s legacy and expands the cast with instructions included.

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Habitat At The End Of The World

I haven't fully wrapped my head around this colossal creation by builder Aliencat, nor have ever understood the fascination with Fabuland. But I do appreciate some fine building, and this is some damn fine building. Everywhere on this craft (lander? Ship? What do I call it?) there's loads of detail and implied functionality. From the accordion ramp to the drop down egress you can tell there's some thought going into how this thing works. Click through for many more pictures.

The Last Place on Earth 1
The Last Place on Earth 6
The Last Place on Earth 10

Suburban Tram

I wasn't exactly sure what I was looking at when I spied Vince Toulouse's latest creation.   Yeah, clearly it's a high-tech tram.  But with a front-loader washing machine on the third level?  Or is it a Minion?  Whatever, it's pretty frakin' cool!  Check out Vince's photostream to see all the nifty details, especially his notations on the various Duplo and Fabuland pieces that when into this build.  Slick!

Suburban Tram

Stomping The Cuteness Out Of You

Something magical happens when you combine Fabuland with something slightly less adorable, like a bipedal walking mech! Check out this walking study of contrasts by nobu_tary, it's the perfect combination of "squeee" and "squish". I can just hear the battlefield comentary:

"Viper Den this is Fang Six, we have incoming hostiles...wait, maybe not...aww it's a cute bunny...AHHHHGGHHHH!"

Fabu Walker