Holy Amazing Reproductions Batman!
/This here is a trifecta of total awesome. Builder and illustrator polywen has assembled a side by side by side of his reproductions of classic issue #27 of Detective Comics, the premier of Batman. In the middle is his inspiration, the original cover from 1939. On the right is his excellent LEGO minifig illustration. And on the left is his mind-blowing MOC for the Comic Bricks art show for DesignerCon 2014.
Comic Bricks Coming To Designer Con
/Some of the nerdiest and coolest LEGO artists are banding together to bring a unique art display to Designer Con 2014, Comic Bricks! One-of-a-kind MOCs inspired by classic and contemporary comic book covers like this totally awesome HULK cover by Monsterbrick. I've signed on to create one (this was before I started working 12 hour days, 6 day weeks on a film) and I really wish I could get to my studio to start building. Designer Con will be in Pasadena Nov 8-9 and will also have a full STUDS display as in years past. Please join us!