If We Join Together, No Forces Can Stop Us.

Last night Mrs. BrickNerd and I had the distinct honor and privilege to attend the wedding of one of my best pals in the AFOL community, Brandon Griffith. These brilliant little clapboards served as our place cards and told us where we were seated (yes, I squee'd). The ceremony and reception were truly a joyous occasion and a great time was had by all. I can think of no two people more perfect together and I'm so happy you found each other. Congratulations Brandon and Daphne, live long and prosper.


Builder Showcase - Brandon Griffith

Builder Showcase - Brandon Griffith


Ever since I discovered the AFOL community (you mean I'm not the only one?) I've been a fan of Brandon's work. His building style is clean and whimsical, and rooted in art and pop culture. His diverse portfolio spans multiple genres and building styles, and bridges the LEGO fan world and the general public. All of his work has a touch of humor (and sometimes more than a touch) and a broad appeal.

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