Razor Crest Round-Up: These Mandalorian MOCs Are Sharp!

Alright LEGO Star Wars fans, it’s what you’ve all been waiting for! No, not the Jar Jar life-sized plushie. The UCS Razor Crest! You know, from the Baby Yoda show. This ship’s shape and scale make it no easy feat to recreate with bricks, though LEGO makes it look easy. (Seriously though, do they employ space wizards?) The only thing better would be for it to be made entirely out of Beskar… I mean drum-lacquered silver.

Here at BrickNerd, as you know, we’re all about the LEGO community. So while we celebrate the new sets that LEGO releases every year, we also like to look back at what came before it from the fan community. (Plus, we are sure you’ve already gotten all the facts, figures and close-up photos from a press release elsewhere… if you wanted the reader’s digest version, it is set number 75331, has 6,187 pieces, costs $599.99 or around there, and is available on Oct. 3rd for LEGO VIPs.)

So now, let's take a look at some interesting MOCs of the fabled Razor Crest from around the inter webs. But be careful—some of these MOCs are sharp!

Razor Crest - Jerac

Full disclosure: I haven’t watched the show. I know, I know... I have every intention. But you don’t need to have watched it to know that this MOC is pretty frakin’ awesome. Not only the ship, but the presentation. It is always fun to see how different builders tackle the same subject matter like the engine intakes. But the whole environment? Builder Jerac nailed it; the lighting, the texture. The real sand mixed with the LEGO plant bits is quite convincing. Just hope that wasn’t a litter box.

Razor Crest - Tim Goddard

I’m sensing a theme with these MOCs names… Let’s take it down a scale here to Tim Goddard’s version. Complete with mini-micro figs and the requisite moisture evaporator, Tim captures the essence of the Razor Crest with plenty of detail and functionality. As a side note, one might have guessed it could be the work of BrickNerd’s Andreas Lenander, but alas, no tree.

Razor Crest Micro MOC - Dallen Powell

Down one more notch in scale, here we’ve got Dallen Powell’s micro version set in a nifty diorama. There is no reason why a good digital build can’t be celebrated! The mini Baby Yoda carriage thing as an upside-down lever base is delightful. As I said, I haven’t seen the show, but I have seen this setting in trailers and I know how to appreciate a good spaceship. Lots to enjoy here, from all the greeblies, architecture, landscape, and especially that texture on the ground. So say we all! (Sorry, wrong show.)

Chibi Scale Razor Crest - Hachiroku24

Let’s get back to minifig scale, but now in Chibi form! Hachiroku24 came up with a version of the Razor Crest in the classic cute style, complete with an instructional video. It’s got all the details and playability you want but in a more cost-effective, compact, curvy package. Am I allowed to say this ship looks adorable? Think of it as FunSized!

Blacktron Laser Thrust 01 - Gino Lohse

Last up, we’ve got Gino Lohse’s Blacktron Laser Thrust. This one I picked for several reasons. First, it’s Blacktron. Second, it’s a pretty crafty mash-up between the style of the classic LEGO theme and the ship from the show. Third, it reminds me of my youth when colors and parts were kind of limited based on my own collection—a time when you had to build with what was kicking around in the old LEGO chest. Watch an episode of Buck Rogers? Take apart the Galaxy Explorer and see what you come up with! Before BrickLink, that’s how things got done.

So there you have it! A Mandalorian MOC round-up in celebration of LEGO’s official version of the Razor Crest. And it isn’t even May the Fourth!

The UCS Razor Crest is available for purchase on October 3 through our affiliate link if you want to support community journalism! (Seriously though, each one sold is like an $18 donation to help us provide more prizes and swag for you. This is the way!)

Are you going to buy the new set? Have you built your own version already? Let us know in the comments below.

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