Ma.Ktoberfest: The Rise (and Demise?) of a Theme Month

Ma.Ktoberfest: The Rise (and Demise?) of a Theme Month

Once upon a time, “Ma.Ktoberfest” was the main building theme for the month of October. This year, however, it didn’t even make it onto BrickNerd’s monthly contest round-up list. So what gives? Read on to learn more about the rise (and demise?) of this once vaunted community building theme.

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Rainbow Heart: A LEGO Mosaic Pulsing with Color

Rainbow Heart: A LEGO Mosaic Pulsing with Color

What do you do with all your extra quarter-circle tiles? Create a double-layer mosaic bursting with color! Guest contributor Joe Meno talks with BrickNerd-in-Chief Dave Schefcik about his Rainbow Heart mosaic and how it could become an official BrickLink Designer Program set.

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