Whistle Of Wind, Wisps Of Cloud

I know I was on vacation last week (Disney cruise, it was awesome) but I came back to a delivery push on a film gig and have worked crazy hours this week, so I find myself in need of another vacation. This place looks so tranquil and inviting, I think I’d like to go there. Just imagine it, arriving by air boat to dwell among the clouds, sounds like a dream. How about it qi_tah, can I visit? I’ll bring my own pillow.

Sky Islands - my contribution

The Giap Towers

Welcome to the Giap Towers, watch that first step. Builder MarcelV was inspired by the whimsical and exceptional art of Chong Fei Giap, for which this wonderful MOC takes it’s name. According to the builder this is the culmination of 10 months of planning, building, rebuilding and photography, and it shows. You can’t rush art, it always dictates it’s own speed, and it’s always worth the wait.

The Giap-Towers


Here's a fun fact: I played the clouds in Cabin Boy. Yes, it's true. Way back when I used to do creature effects, and when the call went out at Alterian Studios for someone with an expressive, character face, Tony Gardner thought of me (go figure). You can even see my transformation in the first episode of Movie Magic (man that was a long time ago). Thanks lummerlander, your MOC brought back some strange but fun memories.

A Wind Is Getting Up, Captain...!

Plastic Men Tell No Tales

This idyllic pirate MOC (by Vitreolum) shows something I really love to see in MOCs online: an entire scene built fully out of LEGO. A White background is nice and all but it's really cool when a builder goes the extra mile to flesh out a scene with more details. I especially love the forced perspective with the tiny island, and the puffy white clouds.

Pirate Cove