Things Are Looking.... UP!

Jonas Kramm has built this wonderful little MOC of Carl Fredricksens flying house from the 2009 PIXAR movie UP! Jonas explains he has a very limited amount of the right colored LEGO bricks so this was his solution - to build at a smaller scale. There's a lot to admire here, the vibrant use of colors, the snot work, the wonderful lattice work on the porch and those cleverly mounted window frames. Another classic from Jonas, it certainly lifted my spirits UP!


Luxo Jr

Admittedly it's been a while since I've last seen this lamp in action (Toy Story 3 might've been it).  But who can deny that the sound effects, the rhythm, and the actions of this little lamp hasn't been burned into our memory?  

The lamp, or Luxo Jr., is cleverly recreated by Flickr user yu chris out of a combination of LEGO System and Technic parts.  I could be wrong, but it really does look functional and bendy.  You stomp that letter I till it's gone! 
