USS Fontana

Builder Ben Smith is back with another stellar Starfleet build. Welcome aboard NCC 1503, The USS Fontana. Seeing this ship, especially these well crafted composite shots of it, immediately puts me in a Star Trek mood. I can hear the music, sound effects. I can see the motion in my imagination, they’re right out of a movie, and I want to be in a darkened theater right now watching it.


As you stir from your nap in your quarters you hear a chime from your communications panel. An alert from the head of security flashes on your screen. 

>Open Message

The panel flickers to life and a message from lieutenant Marshal Higgins appears. "You have been selected for an away team at 1600 hours to the nearby moon. Please report to shuttle bay 06". 

>Check Time

The current time is 15:47 Standard Galactic Time

>Get dressed

You open your dresser panel by pressing a button on the wall. With a pneumatic hiss your wardrobe extends into the room. Standard Starfeet uniforms, neatly clean and pressed, swing gently on the bar above.

>Get red shirt

(Star Trek) Custom LEGO® Runabout (01)
(Star Trek) Custom LEGO® Runabout (03)