Vintage Boombox

Ok, I know old radios weren’t called boomboxes, but hear me out. It’s a box, and it plays music, is there any real difference? At what point does a radio become a boombox? When you add a tape deck? Now granted I don’t really see one of these on the street next to some cardboard blasting RUN DMC, it’s more likely to in a sitting room with some Glen Miller streaming out. But that doesn’t mean grandma isn’t wearing parachute pants and a Kango though. Builder adde51.


When I was a kid this is what audio entertainment looked like, the Hi-Fi (short for high fidelity). If it wasn't a huge console system cranking the tunes into your house, it was one of these. Just tune to your favorite radio station, adjust the equalizer and enjoy the music. Or punch in your favorite 8-Track (let's say Meco Star Wars, maybe Brothers Johnson) and get your groove on. An excellent retro build from Sad Brick, which ironically makes me happy.


Don't Touch That Dial

"...That was Muskrat Love by Captain & Tennille on this lovely Monday morning here in Lompoc California. The high today is expected to be 74º and a bit windy, but you're used to that. Coming up this weekend is the annual Flower Festival and I wanted to let you know that KNEZ is going to be there. I'll be live as the parade passes the station here and then later at the park we'll be hosting a live chat with grand marshal Flip Reed! Now let's rock out to The Edgar Winter Group with Frankenstein, right here on KNEZ!"

My First Radio ('70s Edition)