Imperial Star Destroyer

I just had a nerdgasm in my kitchen, and I’m not ashamed to admit it. I’m just sitting here drinking my tea and sacrificing a good half of my biscuits to my dumb corgis when I scrolled past this gorgeous Star Destroyer by one case. I wish I had video of my reaction, but it went sort of like this: Scroll scroll scroll, nothing nothing nothing, “hmm, how am I going to post if there’s nothing…” (sharp intake of breath). I stare a moment, “ is this real? Is this a render? (click for a closer look, click again for an even closer look). My eyebrows slowly raise as my mouth opens, I put down the biscuit I’m no longer eating. “Holy crap”. It’s kind of a scaled down reaction of 9 year old me at the movies, a sort of a tingly all over feeling of joy. It made my morning, hope it makes yours too.

How Is This Possible?

Some of my favorite builders are presently competing in Iron Builder, and as usual its fierce competition, but I'm beginning to doubt Siercon and Coral are mortal. I swear those two are not only altering space and time, but are summoning an army of spirit builders or something. Can you believe all this came from only two builders in just two weeks?

Lego Fireworks!
Matrix: Welcome to the Real World
Pencil Sharpener
The Jade Pagoda
Mind the Mainframe Brain Frame
Lego Desktop
Lego Hairbrush
Lunar Lego Landing
A Saturday Bender
Lego Payphone
Mayo Power Drill
Medical Supplies