Dark Lord

I love everything about this latest figure by builder paddybricksplitter. The construction, the colors, the pose, the lighting, the photography, it’s all just amazing. While I wouldn’t want to run into this guy while in the depths of a dungeon while hunting for treasure, I’m certainly happy to admire this shot of him. Now, roll for initiative…

Knight's Best Friend

If I could choose one mythical creature to ride, I'm pretty sure this Bretonnian Griffon by MarcelV. would be pretty high up on my list. The techniques used for the feet are just perfect and the rest of the body gives a sense of strength and power to this creature. Also, there's just something about these majestic beasts that inspires pride and gives a sense of loyalty that very few other creatures do. Forget about man's best friend, this griffon is a knight's best friend and I can think of no other creature that I'd rather fly into battle with. Huzzah!

Bretonnian Griffon

Centaur Knight Mech

This is an awesome mashup of mech and myth from builder LEGO 7. Meet the Centaur Knight Mech, which has the amazing concept of taking a centaur (part man, part horse) and realizing it in mech form. The results are stunning, in both form factor and construction. The details are understated, keeping it sleek and purposeful, and the color combinations really work well.

Centaur Knight Mech


I've always found it fascinating that not so long ago in the grand scheme of things men would wrap themselves in hugely heavy, constricting metal armor, put on a hot and uncomfortable helmet that restricted their vision, and go out and try to kill each other. Can you imagine standing there with your sharpened metal stick while this badass by nobu_tary came charging at you? I'd soil my armor.


Centaur Knight

This centaur knight by nobu_tary is a fantastic mashup of Knights Kingdom, Bionicle and Hero Factory, with just a little bit of System thrown in for flavor. All seamlessly blended into one fantastic fantasy character. Combine that with the pose and the photography and it all comes together to near perfection.

Centaur Knight


Humans sure are a quirky bunch aren't they? It's hard to believe at one point it was totally normal to clad yourself in a head-to-toe metal skin and go beat the crap out of someone else similarly encased. And for extra mobility, you could deck out your horse in similar alloy derma so you could both set out Spam-clad and ready for battle. As odd a concept as it it, you can't deny they looked badass, like this shiny Bionicle MOC by nobu_tary, huzzah! 
