Lush Landscaping: A Builder’s Part Guide to LEGO Foliage
/Want to take your LEGO landscaping to the next level? Discover how classic and unconventional parts can create lush, vibrant foliage that brings your builds to life.
Read MoreWant to take your LEGO landscaping to the next level? Discover how classic and unconventional parts can create lush, vibrant foliage that brings your builds to life.
Read MoreThe LEGO sausage has been around for more than 25 years, but with new colors and techniques, it is appearing in more sets and MOCs than ever before. Hot dog!
Read MoreEver wonder how LEGO castles come to life? Andreas Lenander reveals his process for building an elegant gate, sharing techniques to create curved walls and detailed stonework that will elevate your own medieval masterpieces.
Read MoreFrom foliage to ferns, tree-builder extraordinaire Emil Lidé shares with us his LEGO journey and how he gets inspired by the natural world.
Read MoreAt first glance, it is hard to tell the medieval towns built by Ralf Langer are even made out of LEGO. So we chatted with him about his techniques, what inspires him, and why realism is his playground.
Read MoreLEGO builder Dunedain98 takes us into a forest where a hunter elf beholding a majestic deer makes us want to contemplate nature, but keep an eye out for the dwarves!
Read MoreThe art of Bonsai is an elusive one, taking years to learn, requiring careful decision-making and patience above all. In that sense, it feels a lot like creating LEGO models—which is definitely an art Marius Herrmann has mastered. Marius, widely known as steponabrick both on Flickr and Instagram has shared an entry for Brickset’s ongoing Build a Bonsai competition—an expressive and lifelike sculpture, making masterful use of a variety of elements and beautiful techniques.
Read MoreBuilder Blufiji shows us what it looks like when "unsavory characters, refugees, and denizens who simply want to disappear" take up residence in a swamp, and it's awesome. You can practically hear the insects, smell the damp air and feel the oppressive humidity as you look at this large, lush diorama. And if I'm not mistaken, in the distance, that's a banjo being played...slowly.
I've never actually seen a pyramid, and to tell the truth I've never actually felt the need to. It's not that I don't appreciate ancient engineering, or have anything against the cultures that created them, it's because I'm from the central coast of California. This means I don't do hot, I don't do cold, and I don't do humidity. And it seems that everywhere pyramids are, that's what's around them. Just look at this marvelous jungle pyramid by builder MassEditor. You can practically hear the bugs, feel the sweat dripping down your back and smell the damp jungle air. I think I'll stick to The Jungle Cruise at Disneyland as a suitable substitute (then grab a Dole Whip, because it gets hot in Anaheim too).
This MOC by markus19840420 looks right out of a fairytale or adventure game. The tranquil setting, the lush landscaping, the ornate tree and the scene unfolding of a mysterious figure approaching a majestic stag. There's a story unfolding here, and it draws you in. I would love to see this under cinematic lighting, it would be wondrous I'm sure.
Can a MOC center you? I'd argue this one can. Ancient growing and pruning techniques meets skilled building techniques in this bonsai by Emil Lidé and the results are stunning. From a distance you'd swear it's just a little plant, but up close it's a marvel of construction. You really can't appreciate how this is built from these images, I encourage you to click through and check out the high res images.
Can a MOC bring tranquility? It can if it's one as brilliant as this bonsai by Grantmasters. The term NPU (nice part use) gets thrown around a lot, but I have to use it here. That trunk is gorgeous, and do you know what it is? Say hi to Groot.
Conventions are hectic places. Meeting old and new friends, keeping an eye on the schedule, participating in events and trying to take it all in can get you stressed out in no time. So I stepped away for a few minutes to blog and found this. Can a MOC actually calm you down? This bonsai tree by Powerpig seems to have. Just looking at it made me smile and go "ahhh", and throttle back a bit., which is exactly what I needed.
I always enjoy seeing what a really good builder can accomplish with standard parts and strait forward connections. This apple tree by retinence is build entirely studs up and with nothing more complicated than plate, bricks and slopes. It's likely a bit fragile, but you can say that about most brick-built trees.
This MOC by Mitah Val Karem depicts elves retrieving a secret cache of weapons in the middle of the forest. The cutaway sides revealing the action below is really cool, but what caught my eye was the tree. Mitah uses click hinges and barbs to great effect here.
Now wouldn't this be a fun little discovery while trekking through the woods? Minding your own business and suddenly there's a fountain of youth right there in front of you. This is a excellent example of creative lighting to truly make a MOC. Using LED lighting strips, markus19840420 under lit the water in this scene. That twisted trunk on the center tree is really cool too.
This post has been days coming, as Flickr user Mark of Falworth has been slowly revealing this masterpiece. Now that it's complete, I can share, and you can gawk. Look at those colors, the terrain work, the waterfall, the trees, the lodge...good grief this thing's got a lot going on. And it's all gorgeous.
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