Great Balls Of Fire

I don’t know what else to say about this MOC by vitreolum except that one thing you should not underestimate when it comes to pianos is fire safety. Clearly this gentleman did to disastrous results. I don’t know if he just had his nerves shook and brain rattled, nor do I know if it was purely the friction of the hammers on the strings or if an accelerant was involved, but this piano will never be the same, and that’s just a shame.

Bickle Seagrave Fire Truck

Since humans got smart enough to build houses, we've been dumb enough to set them on fire. And going way, way back we've had groups of brave individuals willing to risk their lives to combat those fires. Eventually we built vehicles to help with the task, like this fire truck from the oldest fire apparatus manufacturer in America, Bickle Seagrave. Builder Nouvilas does this classic justice in this build.

Bickle Seagrave fire truck

First Responders

We've featured the amazing emergency vehicles of builder sponki25 here on BrickNerd before, but they've always been single vehicles on blank backgrounds. Seeing these heroes all in a more realistic setting, gathered to combat a crisis situation is really impressive. Speaking of impressive, that fire and smoke effect is absolutely brilliant.

Rooftop fire at 1st Avenue
Rooftop fire at 1st Avenue

The Afterburner

This month's LUGnuts challenge has certainly been eventful. It's not hard to imagine why since it's the 100th (!) and they're doing it up right. Builder Moritz drew "fire engine" and as you can see, he ran with it. Inspired by FDNY's iconic lime green engines, this beast looks as capable as starting as many fires as it puts out, but it would certainly be awesome to see in action.

The Afterburner
The Afterburner
The Afterburner

Scourge Of The Gray Dragon

Normally if you heard the phrase "it's a dragon attacking a village, setting it on fire" you would imagine a MOC with 5-10 thousand pieces, but not if you're Grantmasters. There's what, 32 pieces here? But it tells the story so well with clever part use and construction in a tiny and effective micro MOC. That dragon is awesome, and as for the villagers...well, I suppose that's what you get for building your village out of flammable materials. 

Firethorn Mech...With Working Flame Thrower!

Disclaimer: Do not attempt this, you or your bricks could get seriously burned, seriously. 

Prepare to have your mind blown LEGO fans. Siercon and Coral have unleashed a slew of MOCs in the last day. But this one, holy cow, a mech with a working flame thrower! Watch the video to see it in action.  And check out their photostream for all the amazing last minute MOCs for Iron Builder. These two are machines!

The Firethorn (Working Flame Thrower Mech)