
I can tell you quite confidently that if I was cruising down the road and I spotted this cafe by builder Norton74 I would be tempted, in fact I might not even be able to override the autopilot of my truck. I love diners like these, it’s my favorite breakfast. Give me some bacon, scrambled eggs and morning fries any day of the week! Oh, but I’ll take that with tea please.

Dolly Coffee

When I first looked at this wonderful MOC by LEGO 7 I thought it was an official set, and that got me wondering, what made me think that? Is it the building style? The photography? I realize that even years after looking at LEGO creations every day I still don't totally understand the intangible, specific nuances that make an official set look like an official set. What do you think?


Welcome To Kahuka Koffee

There's so many things to love about this marvelous multi-level building by builder snaillad that I don't know where to start. The architecture is of course the stand-out feature. It's got the weightiness and stature of a baroque revival, without all the unnecessary ornateness. Just a strong, confident style with loads of character. I also really dig that retro delivery van. And as for the coffee shop, I'll just invite you to click through and look at the high res photos, it's packed with detail and just lovely.

Kahuka Koffee
Kahuka Koffee