Super Sleigh

Bob Humbug
Northern Lights Research & Development
North Pole, NP1225

Dear Sir,
It has come to our attention that your department has been developing a rocket powered sleigh. Needless to say we find this course of action very disturbing, not just from a safety standpoint but from a tradition standpoint, not to mention the jobs that have been put at risk. We are also very concerned about the noise problem this will pose, and our centuries old policy of silent nights. We feel that this is a irresponsible and reckless waste of resources, especially with the rising need to counter polar cap shrinkage. Your lead developer, Mr. Frost, is incredibly talented, and we feel his energies should be focused elsewhere.

We implore you to stop development immediately. We will not stand for such activity and you can consider this a formal grievance.

Rudolf M. Jones
Representative, United Reindeer Team Local 525

Reindeer? Where we're going, we don't need any reindeer.
Reindeer? Where we're going, we don't need any reindeer.
Reindeer? Where we're going, we don't need any reindeer.