On This Day Five Years Ago in BrickNerd History

Sometimes it’s nice to look back and see what transpired in BrickNerd history, especially when all the other contributors are out enjoying summertime fun. (Except for the contributors in the tropics and the Southern Hemisphere where it’s winter, maybe they’re out skiing.) Anyway, I thought it would be cool to see what was going on five years ago, today.

Rogue One: Secret Room Scene

El Barto

Ha! I beat Tommy to a Star Wars post!!! Gotta appreciate Markus19840420's attention to detail and cinematography in this shot. At first I figured it was just another one of those post-some-minifigs-over-the-still-shot deals, but oh no, that's all LEGO. The scene was built for a contest called IDSMO IV, which is a German Star Wars Moc Olympics. But it's more than a nifty build, it's the mastery of the two art forms of LEGO and photography. Well done, Markus!

That’s back when we kept things relatively short on BrickNerd. See a cool MOC, link to the pic, write something pithy and nerdy of course, and BAM! Post it! Hopefully before those other guys were awake. Although we did do interviews from time to time, in general, we didn’t reach out to the builders for comment like we so often do today. Short and sweet, onto the next post.

Now in regards to the MOC, my opinion hasn’t changed. It’s fun to see it again! Still top-notch in every respect from build to presentation. I can just about hear that respirator.

Next up, we’ve got a post by our esteemed BrickNerd Founder, Tommy, who got content posted just about every day for I don’t know how many years. And, as I mentioned above, he had some kind of Spider-Sense on Star Wars MOCs. I suppose that’s why he was the Nerd-In-Chief.

Quite Possibly The Single Greatest Use Of Bananas Ever


Sometimes it's not the obscurity of a part that makes it a NPU (nice part use). Everyone has a banana or two, at one point last year we had over 100 in the studio for a particular animation gig, but the thought of using them as thatching on a roof, like this brilliant treehouse MOC by theogiulia never occurred to me. What a fantastic use of a totally mundane part.

People really went ape over that MOC! Tommy was really good at keeping his eyes peeled for builds like that. Although we’d usually have only one or two posts in a day, sometimes he’d find a bunch!

So there you have it, gang! This day in BrickNerd History, five years ago.

What kind of stuff were you building five years ago? What MOCS caught your eye back in the day? Let us know in the comment section below.

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